Portuguese Language/Introduction

Welcome to your first Portuguese lesson.

Basic phrases and words part 1

I eu
yes sim
no não
you você (1), tu (5)
hi oi (2)
hello olá (2)
goodbye adeus, tchau (3)
My name is... Meu nome é... (4)
My name is Fred. Meu nome é Fred.
What is your name? (How are you called?) Como você se chama?/Qual é o seu nome?

1 - Common in Brazilian Portuguese. Formal use in European Portuguese.

2 - Very informal. Use it only with people you are very familiar with. The Portuguese are formal and will judge you accordingly, but are usually happier when communicating.

3 - "Tchau" is too informal. "Adeus" means goodbye, but in a more definitive, final fashion, when you don't expect to see each other until the next day, for a long time, or even still alive; keep it for those occasions. Use the less final "até já" (see you right away), "até logo" (see you later [today]), "até à próxima" (until a next time) or the formal "foi um prazer" (it was a pleasure [being with you]).

4 - Unusual phrase construction, use the next formulation below.

5 - Only in some Brazilian regions (i.e. gaúchos from South).

: The sounds with European Portuguese accent. HolyZarkon 22:11, 30 April 2007 (UTC)

Basic phrases and words part 2

English European and African variant American variant (Brazil)
Good morning Bom dia
Good afternoon Boa tarde
Good evening Boa noite•
Good night Boa noite•
How are you? Como estás? Como vai?
I'm fine, thank you (Estou) bem, obrigado.
Where is a bank? Onde há um banco? Onde tem um banco?(1)
Where can I get a bus? Onde posso apanhar um autocarro? Onde pode pegar ônibus?
Where should I step down from the train? Onde devo sair do comboio? Onde eu devo descer do trem?
When will it open? / When will you open? Quando abre?
When will it close? / When will you close? Quando fecha?
A coffee, please. Um café, por favor.
How much is it? Quanto é?/Quanto custa?
Thank you very much. Muito obrigado.
You're welcome. Não tem de quê. De nada. (Also in the European and African variant.)

• - In Portuguese, you should say "Boa noite! when you are complimenting or leaving a place for example. It is only important to keep in mind that you have got to use "Boa noite" only at evening or night.

1 - This form is used specifically in oral speech. The appropriate written form is: "Onde há um banco?"

The sounds with European Portuguese accent. HolyZarkon 22:09, 30 April 2007 (UTC)