Portal talk:GreySmith Institute

Old talk page

Welcome to the start of the new look for GreySmith Institute

It's not just that I got bored with the blue on blue colorscheme, but more that I realized that the research architecture needed to be streamlined. This new organization was developed for my SRF project, as a way of deciding which laboratories were the most important to GreySmith Institutes future development.

Essentially it is organized into 6 rows of 3 labs each. Instead of tabs, I envision push buttons over each Lab description that will redirect to the laboratory main page. The top three labs are the Admin Lab, where we experiment with Agile Business Techniques, the Financial Lab where we experiment with financial techniques, and the Media Lab where we experiment with publishing across the many media.

The next row consists of the Souper Computer Lab, where we experiment with heterogenous cluster computers based on a charitable model, the Visualization Lab where we experiment with Display walls, and Visualization techniques, and the Neuropsych lab where we experiment with wetlab techniques

The third row consists of the Neural Network Lab, the Software Development Lab, and the Digital Electronic Lab.

The fourth row consists of the Circadian and Brain Rhythm Lab, the Rodent-Psych Lab, and the Cyto-Architectomics Lab.

The fifth row consists of the Magnetic Resonance Chemistry Lab, the MRI Lab, and the Connectomics Lab

The Sixth row consists of the Genomics Lab, the Bio-Chemistry Lab, and the Cyto-chemistry Lab

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