Portal:Social entrepreneurship/community mobilisation/Questionnaire

The level of participation in the curriculum development process was lower than hoped.

This page is to design a survey to explore reasons and ways of growing the community of social entrepreneurship curriculum developers (etc.).

For now, just dump possible questions for refinement later.

Questions for the Survey


Rate the following statements from 1 - 5 where 5 means "this applies to me 100%" and 1 means "not applicable at all":

  • I don't have time to contribute meaningfully.
  • The timing is wrong. Curriculum development is done at a different time of year in our institution.
  • The topic is not directly relevant to my other work activities.
  • This seems to be duplication of other initiatives such as SBL and/or CBL.
  • I already subscribe to at least one other mailing list concerned with social entrepreneurship.
  • Lack of knowledge and insight about OER and the opportunity peer production presents.
  • Lack of confidence of my knowledge of the field and ability to contribute.
    • Hesitant to write anything in case the quality is not good enough.
      • The wiki approach of continuous peer review is intimidating.
  • Institutional policy disallows me to share knowledge in this way.
  • Using the wiki is difficult and I do not have time to learn how.

  • is social entrepreneurship an area that responds to your needs and interests?
  • has this network benefitted your work?
  • what will improve the value of the network? More individuals, more weekly communication, more opportunities for face to face meeting, more content on wiki, formal structure for network, other
  • did you make a useful connection and collaborate with someone through this network?
  • should this network continue?
  • how often do you visit the wiki? Once a day, once a week, once every two weeks, once a month, never
  • does the content and curriculum on the wiki respond to your needs?
  • few people contributed content to the wiki. Is this because:
    • the technology is difficult,
    • there is no time,
    • you have no material to contribute,
    • you are not interested in theme,
    • other

It might make sense to make a separate survey page and discuss that. Ktucker 21:29, 18 September 2008 (UTC)