Portal:Simulation and Gaming Archive/about

Simulation exercises, role playing and games have been used in the past in different subject areas in order to enhance the classroom learning experience; however, recent advances in learning technologies have allowed simulation exercises to form part of technology-enhanced, student-centred, blended learning strategies designed to boost student engagement and learning both within and beyond the classroom.

The project aims to tap into this development by creating an archive of simulation, role playing and game materials together with guidance notes for tutors and students that can be used across a range of modules within Politics and International Relations and, more broadly, across Social Sciences.

Initially already trialled materials will be added to the archive. These materials include simulations within international policy-making contexts, including the UN, the EU (the European External Action Service) and within domestic contexts, including coalition government formation, policy formulation, and policy implementation, as well as on thematic issues, such as climate change and conflict management. In addition, there are materials that develop particular skill sets needed in the development of negotiation and community self-organisation as practice.

In addition to simulations and role plays the project will develop manuals for academic staff who may wish to progress to using and developing games. The archive will include an ‘open section’ to which academic staff may which to refer students who wish to further their understanding of political games (domestic, international, and/or two-level foreign policy games (Putnam 1988) by creating and trialling their own games.



Putnam, Robert D. (Summer 1988). "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The logic of Two Level Games". International Orgganization 42 (3): 427-460 (1988).