
Welcome to the Wikiversity School of Evaluation.

This a resource for evaluation specialists around the world.



Subject-Specific Course


Wikiversity School of Evaluation
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Are you interested in this Department? Then you would probably like to know what is happening. News and other information regarding activities in this department can be found here!

You can also find out how to subscribe to an RSS feed for this department news by clicking here

External links
Evaluation Files
Available Courses
Requested Courses

Can't see the course you are looking for? Then it probably is not written yet. All courses that are yet to be written are kept here. Please have a look at our current list of requested courses. If you still don't find the course you want, then you can request it by listing it on the page. Better yet you can start the course yourself!

PS: All courses with no content will be moved to the Department Course wish List page

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