Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/E-Laboratory on Human Augmentation of Ecosystems

the repository for Open Questions, Challenges and Ressources of the

e-laboratory "Human Augmentation of Ecosystems"

The CS-DC e-laboratory "Human Augmentation of Ecosystems" is active in the external link.



(*): Not a subject of Synecoculture research

2020-2030 ------------------------------------------

  • (Objective) Construct an ICT system that supports Synecoculture
    • Development of Megadiversity Management System (MMS) for ecosystem monitoring and smart distribution
      • Information sharing technology for ecosystem management
        • Open access to small farmers, citizen scientists, etc.
        • Suggest possible ecosystem control factor/element/condition
        • Cultivated product tracking
        • Peer to peer networking for an isolated environment
      • Global-scale sensor data acquisition
        • Temperature, humidity, etc
        • Small size data transfer via wireless technologies ( including satellite communication )
        • Position of a proxy ( bee, bird, cattle, etc) of ecosystem (GPS tracker position)
        • Detection of a proxy of an ecosystem from image or sound recorded in a farm
        • Occasional upload to IoT feature ( Upload ecosystem management information to IoT device )
        • Monitoring vegetation transition in a large-scale farm based on geometrical images from satellites
  • (Objective) All climate range prototyping
    • Establishment of Synecoculture pilot farms in all climate regions
    • Renewable energy + Robotics
    • Fossil fuel-free transportation(*)
    • Synecoculture Education to small farmers
    • Synecoculture certification program
    • Development of Soil analysis protocol
  • (Objective) Lifestyle change to prevent diseases
    • Rehabilitation program that can approach the gut flora and immune system
    • Conversion to a food production system capable of supplying nutrients produced by ecological interactions (i.e., in natura diet)
    • Examination of Possible Pathogen Repression function of Augmented Ecosystems
  • Establishment of Synecoculture Consortium
    • Working on Human Augmentation of Ecosystems with various partners

2031-2040 ------------------------------------------

  • (Objective) All climate range implementation
    • Promotion of Synecoculture production farms in all climate regions
    • Development of MMS for the citizen science support as the 4th independent power (besides legislative, executive government, and judiciary) of the new democracy
    • Synecoculture evangelists exist all over the world
    • Approach to Global Dryland
      • Ecosystem regeneration/augmentation using animals as a tool e.g. Holistic Planned Grazing(*)
      • Active control of livestock for regenerating ecosystem from an IoT device
  • (Objective) Education of ecosystem management
    • Widely accessible bioassays/analysis methods for Synecoculture practitioners
    • Cities and communities containing augmented ecosystems
  • (Objective) Approach to Global Health
    • Cohort analysis on Synecoculture products and immune-related diseases
    • Microbiota management technology using vegetation
    • Systems to ensure access to foods that contain beneficial compounds

2041-2045 ------------------------------------------

  • (Objective) Approach to Global Farmland
    • Transition to decentralized social systems for sustainable food production
    • Development of MMS that support the science as the 4th independent power, supportive infrastructure for the enhancement of human ingenuity and social-ecological integrity
  • (Objective) Approach to Global Well-being
    • Spreading Widely Accessible Bio and Medical Conditioning and Improving Methods and Services for Individuals (Abilities to manage augmented ecosystems for well-being)
    • Enhance Human Ingenuity
      • Skills to utilize resources from the augmented ecosystem
      • Establishment and spread of a sustainable lifestyle

2045 Objective: avoid global regime shift ( avoid ecosystem collapse )

Backup scenario: After the occurrence of global regime shift

  • Terraforming Earth :

~2100: Terraforming Mars

The world in 2045


Food production driven by the augmentation of ecosystems has become one of the basic rights and duties for the people. Food production itself has become an independent sector from other economic activities. People do not need to earn money to buy food anymore, because the communities are basically self-sufficient and food trade is secured from other influences from capitalist market mechanisms.

The world population has steadily saturated and the quality of life has drastically increased both in former developed and developing countries. People live in a decentralized society harmonized with ecosystem dynamics. Topsoil loss that was the root cause of pandemics is minimized. Other infectious diseases are considered as the most cost-effective natural feedback to maintain the health of social and ecological systems without dividing the two.

People engage in a renewed democratic process, using science as the fourth independent power besides legislative, executive government, and judiciary. The blooming technology for monitoring, information sharing, distribution matching, and the support of control of ecosystem dynamics became the core infrastructure of the society and gave rise to a new form of direct democracy that secures sustainability.

The anticipated regime shift of the global ecosystem has been prevented so far, and massive green land was generated in the world dryland where people’s settlements automatically enhanced positive ecosystem transition. Some new settlements even shipped conserved food to other parts of the world without fossil fuel. The good old day's human ingenuity has regained its central role in the new civilization. Low-tech sailing, navigation within the natural environment, indigenous knowledge on wild animals and plants were optimally adopted as the basis of various social systems. On the other hand, education is supported by high technologies, which eventually led to the increase of human ingenuity and social-ecological integrity that do not essentially depend on the machine.

Ecosystem dynamics and the economic system found its optimal balance that circulates the synergistic benefits between the two, without imposing negative externalities on one another. This is due to the increased understanding of the difference between ecosystem functions and capitalistic market mechanisms, and providing a new coupling structure along with supportive technologies based on the concept of natural-social common capitals. This new environment-economy nexus opened a way to a global ceasefire and the role of nations became more cooperative towards the mutual goal of global sustainability including all life forms on this planet. Many nations adopted the rights of nature with equal importance to human rights in their constitution. The overall transformative change between 2020-2045 is considered as the most remarkable achievement of human civilization in the early Anthropocene epoch.