Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/E-Laboratory on Education/CS-DC Curriculum on CSS

the repository for Open Questions, Challenges and Ressources of the

Curriculum on Complex Systems Sciences

Call for ideas


November 2018


Please send your contributions to Jorge.L at iscte-iul.pt

start by the complex systems roadmaps (CSSociety)

link the curriculum to the knowledge map

K in complex systems sciences has many trajectories in the KM

question: what is the granularity in this KM?

MOOCs Future Learn - data science, adoption of CS by a large community

MOOCs bottom-up - <a>https://www.futurelearn.com/partners/unesco-unitwin-complex-systems-digital-campus</a>

recent bibliography

question: how to collect and where to store bibliographic references?

accreditation, CS-DC certificates

Goal > 1 million certificated students !

question: what level in math? and in other domains?

CCS in Thesaloniki, satelite on education

question: where to publish the CSSCurriculum? Report? Website?

Living curricula on Complex Systems Studies

Write a position paper regarding the Curriculum on Complex Systems Science. Contributions will be welcome during December 2018. The position paper will be published (where?) during January 2019.

Examples in other domains


ACM Curricula Recommendations

ACM Computer Science Curricula 2013



(until now!)

  • Paul Bourgine
  • Jeff Johnson
  • Cyrille Bertelle
  • Jorge Louçã

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