Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/CS-DC Educational Resources

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e-Laboratory on Education - CS-DC Educational Resources

Open-access resources dedicated to Complex Systems Studies


The CS-DC is organising an on-line library of open-access resources dedicated to Complex Systems Studies. This library will be, in a near future, presented in the format of a Knowledge Map allowing to navigate within its contents and to bring into view relations between records. The present stage of the Knowledge Map project collects and lists the open-access resources as below. Contributions from the CS-DC community are welcome:

  • If you are a CS-DC member : please login and add the new record to this Wikiversity webpage. The CS-DC open-access educational resources are structured using an extended version of the Dublin Core Metadata Iniciative (DCMI). Structure of a record: Title: ; Creator: ; Subject: ; Description: ; Publisher: ; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: ; Type: ; Collection: ; Format: ; Identifier: ; Source: ; Language: ; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;. See the DCMI Guide for more details on how to fill each field of a record.
  • If you are not yet a CS-DC member: please send the info regarding a new record to Jorge Louçã by e-mail: "Jorge.L at iscte.pt".

Open-access Books

  • 2015
    • Title: Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems; Creator: Hiroki Sayama; Subject: modeling, dynamical systems, discrete-time models, continuous-time models, bifurcations, chaos, cellular automata, continuous field models, static networks, dynamic networks, agent-based models; Description: Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems introduces students to mathematical/computational modeling and analysis developed in the emerging interdisciplinary field of Complex Systems Science. Complex systems are systems made of a large number of microscopic components interacting with each other in nontrivial ways. Many real-world systems can be understood as complex systems, where critically important information resides in the relationships between the parts and not necessarily within the parts themselves. This textbook offers an accessible yet technically-oriented introduction to the modeling and analysis of complex systems. The topics covered include: fundamentals of modeling, basics of dynamical systems, discrete-time models, continuous-time models, bifurcations, chaos, cellular automata, continuous field models, static networks, dynamic networks, and agent-based models. Most of these topics are discussed in two chapters, one focusing on computational modeling and the other on mathematical analysis. This unique approach provides a comprehensive view of related concepts and techniques, and allows readers and instructors to flexibly choose relevant materials based on their objectives and needs. Python sample codes are provided for each modeling example.; Publisher: Open SUNY Textbooks; Contributor: ; Date: 2015; DateLastAccess: 2015 ; Type: book; Collection: no; Format: pdf; Identifier: ; Source: http://textbooks.opensuny.org/download/introduction-to-the-modeling-and-analysis-of-complex-systems-sayama-pdf/; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License;
    • Title: Neural Networks and Deep Learning; Creator: Michael A. Nielsen; Subject: neural networks, deep learning; Description: The book will teach you about: Neural networks, a beautiful biologically-inspired programming paradigm which enables a computer to learn from observational data; Deep learning, a powerful set of techniques for learning in neural networks. Neural networks and deep learning currently provide the best solutions to many problems in image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. This book will teach you many of the core concepts behind neural networks and deep learning.; Publisher: Determination Press; Contributor: ; Date: 2015; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: book; Collection: no; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License;
  • 2014
    • Title: The Atlas of Economic Complexity; Creator: Hausmann, Hidalgo et al.; Subject: economics; Description: The Atlas of Economic Complexity attempts to measure the amount of productive knowledge that each country holds. Our measure of productive knowledge can account for the enor- mous income differences between the nations of the world and has the capacity to predict the rate at which countries will grow. In fact, it is much more predictive than other well- known development indicators, such as those that attempt to measure competitiveness, governance and education. A central contribution of this Atlas is the creation of a map that captures the similarity of products in terms of their knowledge requirements. This map provides paths through which productive knowledge is more easily accu- mulated. We call this map, or network, the product space, and use it to locate each country, illustrating their current productive capabilities and the products that lie nearby.; Publisher: Harvard University; Contributor: ; Date: 2014; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: book; Collection: no; Format: ; Identifier: ; Source: https://atlas.media.mit.edu/static/pdf/atlas/AtlasOfEconomicComplexity.pdf; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;
  • 2011
    • Title: Think Complexity; Creator: Allen B. Downey; Subject: complexity science, data structures and algorithms, python, philosophy of science; Description: This book is about complexity science, data structures and algorithms, intermediate programming in Python, and the philosophy of science: Data structures and algorithms: A data structure is a collection that contains data elements organized in a way that supports particular operations. For example, a dictionary organizes key-value pairs in a way that provides fast mapping from keys to values, but mapping from values to keys is generally slower. An algorithm is a mechanical process for performing a computation. Designing efficient programs often involves the co-evolution of data structures and the algorithms that use them. For example, the first few chapters are about graphs, a data structure that is a good implementation of a graph---nested dictionaries---and several graph algorithms that use this data structure. Python programming: This book picks up where Think Python leaves off. I assume that you have read that book or have equivalent knowledge of Python. As always, I will try to emphasize fundmental ideas that apply to programming in many languages, but along the way you will learn some useful features that are specific to Python. Computational modeling: A model is a simplified description of a system that is useful for simulation or analysis. Computational models are designed to take advantage of cheap, fast computation. Philosophy of science: The models and results in this book raise a number of questions relevant to the philosophy of science, including the nature of scientific laws, theory choice, realism and instrumentalism, holism and reductionism, and Bayesian epistemology. This book focuses on discrete models, which include graphs, cellular automata, and agent-based models. They are often characterized by structure, rules and transitions rather than by equations. They tend to be more abstract than continuous models; in some cases there is no direct correspondence between the model and a physical system.; Publisher: Green Tea Press; Contributor: ; Date: 2011; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: book; Collection: no; Format: webpage/pdf; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.greenteapress.com/compmod/; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License;
  • 2010
    • Title: Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World; Creator: David Easley, Jon Kleinberg; Subject: network theory, game theory; Description: In recent years there has been a growing public fascination with the complex "connectedness" of modern society. This connectedness is found in many incarnations: in the rapid growth of the Internet and the Web, in the ease with which global communication now takes place, and in the ability of news and information as well as epidemics and financial crises to spread around the world with surprising speed and intensity. These are phenomena that involve networks, incentives, and the aggregate behavior of groups of people; they are based on the links that connect us and the ways in which each of our decisions can have subtle consequences for the outcomes of everyone else. Networks, Crowds, and Markets combines different scientific perspectives in its approach to understanding networks and behavior. Drawing on ideas from economics, sociology, computing and information science, and applied mathematics, it describes the emerging field of study that is growing at the interface of all these areas, addressing fundamental questions about how the social, economic, and technological worlds are connected.; Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Contributor: ; Date: 2010; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: book; Collection: no; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: © Copyright Cambridge University Press (2010);
  • 2006
    • Title: Complex Science for a Complex World - Exploring Human Ecosystems with Agents; Creator: Pascal Perez, David Batten; Subject: agent-based modelling, social networks; Description: The complex adaptive system known as science consists of the scientists or agents and the knowledge system that they accumulate by way of an interactive and ongoing exchange of ideas. As Bradbury notes, the former is essentially a social system, whereas the latter is a playground of memes—with the interaction strongly mediated by the recipe. Science is a dialogue between humankind and nature, the results of which have been—and will continue to be—unpredictable (Prigogine 1996: 153). Like science, a human ecosystem is a complex adaptive system involving people, other living entities, an environment, information exchange and the co-evolution of all of these things over time. Although a human ecosystem’s future state has always been unpredictable, the critical players (agents) on this adaptive stage today are the human participants. Thus it is imperative that we begin to understand human reasoning and its idiosyncrasies.; Publisher: The Australian National University E Press Press; Contributor: ; Date: 2006; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: book; Collection: no; Format: pdf; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=458885; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: © Copyright ANU E Press;

Open-access Videos

  • 2015
    • Title: SFI Youtube Channel; Creator: SFI; Subject: ; Description: ; Publisher: SFI; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: ; Collection: yes; Format: video; Identifier: ; Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9rHXgUE9pikzYcGrAujMXQ; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;
  • 2011
    • Title: The surprising math of cities and corporations; Creator: Geoffrey West; Subject: ; Description: ; Publisher: TED; Contributor: ; Date: 2011; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: talk; Collection: no; Format: video; Identifier: ; Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyCY6mjWOPc; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;

Open-access Conference Proceedings

  • 2015
    • Title: COP21 Raingain Conference "Researchers & Water Managers Preparing Cities for a Changing Climate"; Creator: HM&CO; Subject: cities, climate, water; Description: The EU INTERREG NWE IVB RainGain project has focused on recent remote sensing technologies to achieve a finer urban water management and to build up resilience to weather extremes and climate change. The RainGain conference will address all the issues related to high-resolution rainfall measurement, nowcasting and hydrological modelling, as well as their advanced applications to urban water management and stakeholder’s capacity building.; Publisher: RainGain project; Contributor: ; Date: 2015; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: proceeding; Collection: yes; Format: video; Identifier: ; Source: http://comm.enpc.fr/channels/#raingain; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;
    • Title: Emerging Patterns; Creator: ; Subject: patterns; Description: ; Publisher: Nanyang Technological University; Contributor: ; Date: 2015; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: proceeding; Collection: yes; Format: video; Identifier: ; Source: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBIPq64DLkanv-hvbbdHKnVg3HqUXsDs-; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;

Open-access MOOCs

  • 2015
    • Title: SFI Complexity Explorer Courses; Creator: SFI; Subject: ; Description: ; Publisher: SFI; Contributor: ; Date: 2015; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: mooc; Collection: yes; Format: video; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.complexityexplorer.org/online-courses/courses; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;

Open-access Tutorials

  • 2015
    • Title: SFI Complexity Explorer Tutorials; Creator: SFI; Subject: ; Description: ; Publisher: SFI; Contributor: ; Date: 2015; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: tutorial; Collection: yes; Format: video; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.complexityexplorer.org/online-courses/tutorials; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;

Open-Access Journals

  • Title: Infrastructure Complexity; Creator: ; Subject: cities; Description: ; Publisher: Springer; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: journal; Collection: yes; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.infrastructure-complexity.com; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;
  • Title: Complex Systems; Creator: Stephen Wolfram; Subject: complexity; Description: Complex Systems was founded by Stephen Wolfram in 1987 as part of his work in launching the field of complex systems research. As the first journal in the field, Complex Systems has had the privilege of publishing many seminal papers over the course of more than two decades. Complex Systems has developed a uniquely broad base of readers and contributors from academia, industry, government, and the general public in over 50 countries around the world. The topics of research covered by Complex Systems span a diverse array of areas, including mathematics, physics, computer science, and biology.; Publisher: Complex Systems Publications, Inc. ; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: journal; Collection: yes; Format: pdf; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.complex-systems.com/index.html; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;
  • Title: JASSS - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation; Creator: ; Subject: computational social science, agent-based modelling, agent-based simulation; Description: The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation is an interdisciplinary journal for the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation. Since its first issue in 1998, it has been a world-wide leading reference for readers interested in social simulation and the application of computer simulation in the social sciences.; Publisher: SimSoc Consortium; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: journal; Collection: yes; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/JASSS.html; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: © Copyright JASSS;
  • Title: EPJ Data Science; Creator: Frank Schweitzer, Alessandro Vespignani; Subject: data science; Description: The 21st century is currently witnessing the establishment of data-driven science as a complementary approach to the traditional hypothesis-driven method. This (r)evolution accompanying the paradigm shift from reductionism to complex systems sciences has already largely transformed the natural sciences and is about to bring the same changes to the techno-socio-economic sciences, viewed broadly. EPJ Data Science offers a publication platform to address this evolution by bringing together all academic disciplines concerned with the same challenges: how to extract meaningful data from systems with ever increasing complexity; how to analyse them in a way that allows new insights how to generate data that is needed but not yet available; how to find new empirical laws, or more fundamental theories, concerning how any natural or artificial (complex) systems work; Publisher: Springer; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: journal; Collection: yes; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.epjdatascience.com; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License;
  • Title: Plos One; Creator: ; Subject: multidisciplinary science; Description: The world’s first multidisciplinary Open Access journal, PLOS ONE accepts scientifically rigorous research, regardless of novelty. PLOS ONE’s broad scope provides a platform to publish primary research, including interdisciplinary and replication studies as well as negative results. The journal’s publication criteria are based on high ethical standards and the rigor of the methodology and conclusions reported.; Publisher: [Public Library of Science https://www.plos.org]; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: journal; Collection: yes; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.plosone.org; Language: ; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license;

Open-Access Magazines

  • Title: Quanta Magazine - tag Complex Systems; Creator: ; Subject: ; Description: ; Publisher: Simons Foundation; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: magazine; Collection: yes; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: https://www.quantamagazine.org/tag/Complex-Systems/; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;

Open-access Foundations

  • 2008
    • Title: Self-organization; Creator: Hermann Haken; Subject: self-organization; Description: Self-organization is the spontaneous often seemingly purposeful formation of spatial, temporal, spatiotemporal structures or functions in systems composed of few or many components. In physics, chemistry and biology self-organization occurs in open systems driven away from thermal equilibrium. The process of self-organization can be found in many other fields also, such as economy, sociology, medicine, technology. Many objects in our surrounding and daily life such as furniture, houses, cars, TV-sets, computers are man made. On the other hand, especially in the animate world, objects grow, acquire their form, and function without being created by humans. The animal kingdom abounds of examples. It is increasingly recognized that even the human brain may be considered as a self-organizing system as well as quite a number of manifestations of human activity, such as in economy and sociology. But processes of self-organization can be found also in the inanimate world: formation of cloud streets, planetary systems, galaxies etc. A fundamental question is: Are there general principles for self-organization? In the inanimate world a positive answer could be found for large classes of phenomena. In the animate world so far at least some insights could be gained. In biology (and perhaps other fields) there is a controversy: are there general principles or do we need special rules and mechanisms in each individual case?; Publisher: Scholarpedia; Contributor: ; Date: 2008; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: article; Collection: no; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: ; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License;
  • 2007
    • Title: Complex systems; Creator: Gregoire Nicolis, Catherine Rouvas-Nicolis; Subject: complex systems; Description: Complexity is emerging as a post-Newtonian paradigm for approaching from a unifying point of view a large body of phenomena occurring in systems constituted by several subunits, at the crossroads of physical, engineering, environmental, life and human sciences. For a long time the idea prevailed that the perception of systems of this kind as complex arises from incomplete information, in connection with the presence of a large number of variables and parameters masking the underlying regularities. Over the years experimental data and theoretical breakthroughs challenging this view have become available, showing that Complexity is on the contrary rooted into the fundamental laws of physics. This realization opens the way to a systematic study of Complexity, which constitutes today a highly interdisciplinary, fast growing branch of science, drawing on the cross-fertilization of concepts and tools from nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, probability and information theories, data analysis and numerical simulation. Traditionally, fundamental science explores the very small and the very large, both of which lie beyond man's everyday perception. The uniqueness of complex systems is that they have to do with a class of phenomena of fundamental importance in which the system and the observer may evolve on comparable time and space scales.; Publisher: Scholarpedia; Contributor: ; Date: 2007; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: article; Collection: no; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Complex_systems; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License;
    • Title: Complexity; Creator: Olaf Sporns; Subject: complexity; Description: The complexity of a physical system or a dynamical process expresses the degree to which components engage in organized structured interactions. High complexity is achieved in systems that exhibit a mixture of order and disorder (randomness and regularity) and that have a high capacity to generate emergent phenomena.; Publisher: Scholarpedia; Contributor: ; Date: 2007; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: article; Collection: no; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Complexity; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License;

Open-Source Software Libraries

  • 2013
    • Title: PyCX: a Python-based simulation code repository for complex systems education; Creator: Hiroki Sayama; Subject: python; complex systems simulation; iterative maps; cellular automata; dynamical networks; agent-based models; Description: The PyCX Project aims to develop an online repository of simple, crude, yet easy-to-understand Python sample codes for dynamic complex systems simulations, including iterative maps, cellular automata, dynamical networks and agent-based models.; Publisher: [sourceforge.net sourceforge.net]; Contributor: ; Date: 2013; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: ; Collection: yes; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://pycx.sourceforge.net; Language: python; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: Copyright 2011-2015 by Hiroki Sayama;

Open-Access Data

  • Title: CAIDA - The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis; Creator: ; Subject: network theory, internet; Description: Collection and sharing of data for scientific analysis of Internet traffic, topology, routing, performance, and security-related events; Publisher: University of California's San Diego Supercomputer Center; Contributor: ; Date: ; DateLastAccess: 2015; Type: data; Collection: yes; Format: webpage; Identifier: ; Source: http://www.caida.org/data/; Language: english; Relation: ; Coverage: ; Rights: ;




Academic Programs




Social Networks



