Planets/Mercury Lecture/Quiz

Mercury as a planet is a lecture. Planetary science is a field within astronomy that focuses on spheroidal, substellar astronomical objects apparently in an orbit around a star. The lecture primarily focuses on the orbital science of Mercury and the effects on the spheroidal, substellar astronomical object of revolving around the Sun.

Animation of Mercury's and Earth's revolution around the Sun. Credit: Lookang, Todd K. Timberlake and Francisco Esquembre.

You are free to take this quiz based on Mercury as a planet at any time.

To improve your scores, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{radiation astronomy resources}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information using more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!




1 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with a wanderer?

possible orbits
a charged particle wind
near the barycenter its system
swirls of tan, green, blue, and white in the liquid methane
electric arcs
chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton aloft in an upper atmosphere

2 Before the current era and perhaps before 6,000 b2k which classical planet may have been observed as a pole star for the Earth?

3 Which of the following is characteristic of the scattered disc?

a distant region of the solar system
the dwarf planet Eris
orbital eccentricites ranging up to 0.8
inclinations as high as 50°
perihelia greater than 30 AU

4 True or False, The astronomer Clyde Tombaugh is the discoverer of Mercury.


5 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with Mercury?

the smallest identified planet
Mercury is spheroidal
it is in orbit around the Sun
it appears to be in hydrostatic equilibrium
it has not cleared its neighborhood
Mercury is one of the two natural satelites of Mars

6 True or False, The observations of Mercury's planetary motion agree with computed orbits to the accuracy of the observations.


7 That part of outer space between planets and their star(s) is called?

8 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with a planet?

possible orbits
a hyperbolic orbit
nuclear fusion at its core
nuclear fusion in its ionosphere
near the barycenter of its stellar system
electric arcs
impact craters

9 True or False, A planet has been referred to as a moving light in the sky.


10 Which of the following is not a studied characteristic of a planet?

an orbit around a star
a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape
has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit
an initially fractionated elemental composition

11 True or False, Mercury is a gas dwarf.


12 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with the planet Mercury?

iron oxide
the MESSENGER spacecraft
meteorites on Earth
Olympus Mons

13 True or False, The average value of the radius of Mercury's orbit around the Sun is a displacement.


14 The Sun as a planet has what property?

it's subject to lunar eclipses
it passes once a year through the Big Dipper
its interior structure has been studied with radar
optical reflectance studies have found evidence of magnesium
it has a surface temperature of ~700 K
it is a wanderer

15 True or False, To ancient astronomers stars remain relatively fixed over the centuries while planets move an appreciable amount during a comparatively short time.


16 Complete the text:

The majority of known asteroids orbit the Sun between the orbits of



17 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with a satellite in orbit around Mercury?

background radiation
a charged particle wind which emanates out of a beam line
near the barycenter for the Mercury-Sun system
swirls of tan, green, blue, and white in the water
electric arcs
chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton aloft in the upper atmosphere

18 True or False, The Sun is a classical planet.


19 Which of the following is associated with Mercury?

a dwarf planet
a member of the Oort belt
the northern polar region has brightened
the southern polar region has darkened
its overall redness has decreased
extreme axial tilt
closer to the Sun than Ceres

20 The Sun as a classical planet has which characteristics?

depending on latitude the Sun passes overhead every day on Earth
the size of its disc is very close to that of the Moon
it appears to revolve along the ecliptic
it is named after Sunday
Helios is the lord of the Sun
Helios is a son of Jupiter

21 Mercury is not known historically for which of the following?

being in orbit around the Sun in 10,000 b2k
imaged by the Magellan probe
a rocky object when viewed with radar
almost as large as the Earth
may have appeared comet-like in human memory
having a high surface temperature

22 Before the current era and perhaps before 6,000 b2k which classical planet may have been green?

23 Which of the following is not a phenomenon usually associated with solar wanderers?

green aurora
production of 7Be
carbon or C2

24 With respect to protoplanetary disks what green mineral has been found?

25 If Osiris in ancient Egyptian mythology/observational astronomy corresponds to Saturn, and Horus is the son of Osiris, what classical planet does Horus correspond to?

the green planet

26 Who first proposed the hypothesis that the Sun is at rest, while the Earth and the planets rotate about the Sun?

27 What term was first used with reference to the transfer of momentum from the Sun to the planets in 1942

28 Name a classical planet that was not apparently seen in the sky before 5102 b2k

29 To the Babylonians, this object represented their god Nabu.

30 Johannes Kepler is not known for which of the following?

being an astrologer
a key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution
Euclidean geometry
projective geometry
if a straight line is extended to infinity it will meet itself at a single point at infinity, thus having the properties of a large circle
Rudolphine Tables

31 Soon after the invention of radar astronomy, what classical planet was detected?

32 Which of the following may be characteristic of orbital theory?

a hyperbolic pass
stellar association
may point away from a stellar association


  1. Planets are only those substellar, spheroidal astronomical objects in revolution around one or more stars.
  2. Planetary science is actually the study of the effects on any substellar, spheroidal astronomical objects of being in revolution around one or more stars.

See also
