PlanetPhysics/Variable Category

A variable category is defined as an indexed family or class of either categories and, or functor categories Failed to parse (unknown function "\G"): {\displaystyle [\G_i]} with in the functor category Failed to parse (unknown function "\F"): {\displaystyle \F_{ct}} of categories and functors with additional axioms, rules, or properties of the underlying categories, that specify for example how such categories can be 'freely generated'([1]).

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[1] [2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Baianu, I.C., R. Brown and J.F. Glazebrook. : 2007a, Categorical Ontology of Complex Spacetime Structures: The Emergence of Life and Human Consciousness, Axiomathes, 17: 35-168.
  2. Baianu I. C., Brown R., Georgescu G. and J. F. Glazebrook: 2006b, Complex Nonlinear Biodynamics in Categories, Higher Dimensional Algebra and \L ukasiewicz--Moisil Topos: Transformations of Neuronal, Genetic and Neoplastic Networks., Axiomathes , 16 Nos. 1-2: 65-122.