PlanetPhysics/Morita Equivalence Lemma for Arbitrary Algebras

Morita equivalence lemma for arbitrary algebras


Let us consider first an example of Morita equivalence; thus, for an integer  , let   be the algebra of  -matrices with entries in an algebra  . The following is a typical example of Morita equivalence that involves noncommutative algebras.

\begin{theorem}{\mathbf Morita equivalence Lemma for arbitrary algebras}

For any algebra   and any integer  , the algebras   and   are Morita equivalent. \end{theorem}

{\mathbf Important Notes:}

  • Even if   is a commutative algebra, the algebra   is of course not commutative for any   because the matrix multiplication is generally non-commutative.
  • In general, the algebra   cannot be recovered from its corresponding abelian category  -mod. Therefore, in order for a concept in noncommutative geometry to have or retain an intrinsic meaning, such a concept must be Morita invariant that is, to remain within the same Morita equivalence class. This raises the important question: what properties of an algebra are Morita invariant ? The answer to this question is provided by the Uniqueness Morita Theorem.