PlanetPhysics/Groupoid C Dynamical Systems
\newcommand{\sqdiagram}[9]{Failed to parse (unknown function "\diagram"): {\displaystyle \diagram #1 \rto^{#2} \dto_{#4}& \eqno{\mbox{#9}}} }
A C*-groupoid system or groupoid C*-dynamical system
is a triple Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle (A, \grp_{lc}, \rho )} , where: is a C*-algebra, and Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle \grp_{lc}} is a locally compact (topological) groupoid with a countable basis for which there exists an associated continuous Haar system and a continuous groupoid (homo) morphism Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle \rho: \grp_{lc} \longrightarrow Aut(A)} defined by the assignment (from Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle \grp_{lc}} to ) which is continuous for any ; moreover, one considers the norm topology on in defining Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle \grp_{lc}} . (Definition introduced in ref. [1].)
A groupoid C*-dynamical system can be regarded as an extension of the ordinary concept of dynamical system. Thus, it can also be utilized to represent a quantum dynamical system upon further specification of the C*-algebra as a von Neumann algebra, and also of Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle \grp_{lc}} as a quantum groupoid; in the latter case, with additional conditions it or variable classical automata, depending on the added restrictions (ergodicity, etc.).