The function \,\, is entire, whence by the fundamental theorem of complex analysis we have
where is the perimeter of the circular sector described in the picture.\, We split this contour integral to three portions:
By the entry concerning the Gaussian integral, we know that
For handling , we use the substitution
Using also de Moivre's formula we can write
Comparing the graph of the function \,\, with the line through the points \,\, and\, \, allows us to estimate downwards:
Hence we obtain
and moreover
Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \lim_{R\to\infty}I_2 = 0.\\}
Then make to the substitution
It yields
Thus, letting\, ,\, the equation (2) implies
Because the imaginary part vanishes, we infer that\, ,\, whence (3) reads
So we get also the result\, ,\, Q.E.D.