PlanetPhysics/Commutative Square Diagram

A square commutative diagram (as for example in an abelian category Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle {\A}} ): Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle \begin{xy} *!C\xybox{ \xymatrix{ {A}\ar[r]^{f}\ar[d]_{k}&{B}\ar[d]^{g}\\ {C}\ar[r]_{h}&{D} } }\end{xy}} is called commutative iff where , and are objects of a category , and and are, in general, arrows or "morphisms" (mappings, functions, homomorphisms, homeomorphisms, and so on) of .

One can intuitively understand commutativity as the equivalence of the two morphism paths involved, or as an internal, mirror-like symmetry property of the square diagram with respect to the top-right to bottom-left diagonal. The diagonal morphism, (not shown) is thus equal to both and . The concept of commutative diagram can be thus generalized for any polyhedron with "diagonal mirror symmetry" of morphisms oriented in the same direction of the type described for the square diagram shown above.