PlanetPhysics/Bibliography Doctoral Theses Supervised by Grothendieck

Doctoral theses supervised by Alexander Grothendieck


(original list in French)

An incomplete list of "theses directed by A. Grothendieck":

  1. Schemes of reductive groups, by M. Demazure

[1] Sch\'emas en groupes r\'eductifs; short version of the thesis by M. Demazure, published in Bull. SMF. M\'em {\mathbf 93} (1965), 369-413. (Demazure's thesis is published "in totto" in SGA 3.

  1. Derived categories in  -adic cohomology.

[2] Cat\'egories d\'eriv\'ees en cohomologie l'-adique, (1969), thesis of J.-P. Jouanolou.

  1. Ample sheaves over group schemes and homogeneous spaces, thesis of Michel

Raynaud, published in Springer Lecture Notes {\mathbf119} (1970). [3] Faisceaux amples sur les sch\'emas en groupes et espaces homog\'enes; thesis of Michel Raynaud.

  1. Lefschetz theorems in coherent cohomology nad etale cohomology;

[4] Th\`eor\'emes de Lefschetz en cohomologie coh\'erente et en cohomologie \'etale; thesis of Mich\'ele Raynaud, Bull. SMF M\'em. 41 (1976).

  1. Complexe cotangent et d\'eformations, Springer Lecture Notes {\mathbf 239} (1971); thesis of Luc


  1. (On) Tannakian Categories , Thesis by Saavedra Rivano, published in Springer

Lecture Notes , 265 (1972). [6] Cat\'egories Tannakiennes, Springer Lecture Notes 265 (1972); thesis of Saavedra Rivano.

  1. \htmladdnormallink{non-Abelian {} Cohomology}, Thesis by J. Giraud.

[7] Cohomologie non ab\'elienne, Grundlehren Math. Wiss. 179 (1972), Springer; thesis of J. Giraud.

  1. Ring topos and relative schemes, Thesis by Monique Hakim.

[8] Topos annel\'es et sch\'emas relatifs, Ergebnisse Math. \htmladdnormallink{GR {}.} {\mathbf 64} (1972), Springer; thesis of Monique Hakim.

  1. Cohomologie cristalline, Springer Lecture Notes 407 (1974); thesis of Pierre Berthelot.
  2. Derived Categories and Abelian Categories, Thesis by Jean-Louis Verdier.,

[10] Des cat\'egories d\'eriv\'ees des cat\'egories ab\'eliennes; thesis of Jean-Louis Verdier, later published in Ast\'erisque {\mathbf 239} (1996), SMF (G. Maltsiniotis, ed.)

  1. Grothendieck Categories , Thesis of Hong Suan Xsin.

[11] Gr-Categories; thesis of Hong Suan Xsin.

  1. Isotopic study of embeddings of a topological  -complex into a complex surface; thesis

of Yves Ladegaillerie, short version published in Topology {\mathbf 23} no. 3(1984), 303-311.

  1. Jacobiennes g\'en\'eralis\'ees globales relatives; thesis of Carlos Contou-Carr\'ere, short version

published in the Grothendieck Festschrift , vol. II (1990).