Archimedes' Principle states that
When a floating body of \htmladdnormallink{mass {}
is in equilibrium with a
fluid of constant density, then it displaces a mass of fluid
equal to its own mass;
Archimedes' principle can be justified via arguments using some
elementary classical mechanics. We use a Cartesian coordinate system oriented such that the
-axis is normal to the surface of the
be The Gravitational Field (taken to be a constant)
and let
denote the submerged region of the body. To obtain
the net force of buoyancy
acting on the object, we
integrate the pressure
over the boundary of this region
is the outward pointing normal to the boundary of
. The negative sign is there because pressure points in the
direction of the inward normal. It is a consequence of
Stokes' theorem that for a differentiable scalar field
and for
a compact three-manifold with
boundary, we have
therefore we can write
Now, it turns out that
is the volume density of the fluid. Here is why. Imagine a cubical
element of fluid whose height is
, whose top and bottom
surface area is
(in the
plane), and whose mass is
. Let us consider the forces acting on the bottom surface
of this fluid element. Let the z-coordinate of its bottom surface
. Then, there is an upward force equal to </math>p(z)\Delta
-p(z +
\Delta z)\Delta A\mathbf{e}_z + \Delta m\mathbf{g}
a simple manipulation of this equation along with dividing by
taking the limit
Similar arguments for the
directions yield
putting this all together we obtain
desired. Substituting this into the integral expression for the
buoyant force obtained above using Stokes' theorem, we have
where we can pull
outside of the integral
since they are assumed to be constant. But notice that
is equal to
, the mass of the
displaced fluid so that
But by Newton's second law, the buoyant force must balance the
weight of the object which is given by
. It follows
from the above expression for the buoyant force that
which is precisely the statement of Archimedes' Principle.