Pi is a mathematical concept related to circles, geometry, and probably more.
- Subpages
Notice: Pi/Real cosine function/Definition and Pi/Zero of cosine/Introduction/Section are two subpages to Pi that should not be deleted because they are transclusions to another learning resource. Please do not delete this page because it might help "protect" the subpages.
Learning resources
edit- Pi
- Pi (Category)
- Irrational number
- Approximations of π
- List of topics related to π
- List of formulae involving π
- A History of Pi
- Turn_(angle)#Tau_proposals
- Six nines in pi
- Proof that π is irrational
edit- A Brief History of Pi (π)
- Pi is magic
- The History of Pi
- pi to 10,000 digits
- Baylor Math Chair Explains Magic, Mystery of π (Pi)
- Are there any practical applications of pi, aside from calculating the area or circumference of a circle?
- Pi and the Circumference of a Circle
- Our endless fascination with pi
Calculation of π
editRadians, the natural angle
editIf you were a mathematician among the ancient Sumerians of the 3rd millennium BC and you were determined to define the angle that could be adopted as a standard to be used by all users of trigonometry, you would probably suggest the angle in an equilateral triangle. This angle is easily defined, easily constructed, easily understood and easily reproduced. It would be easy to call this angle the "natural" angle.
The numeral system used by the ancient Sumerians was Sexagesimal, also known as base 60, a numeral system with sixty as its base. In practice the natural angle could be divided into 60 parts, now called degrees, and each degree could be divided into 60 parts, now called minutes, and so on.
Three equilateral triangles fit neatly into a semi-circle, hence 180 degrees in a semi-circle.
We know that Therefore, should be or one half of our concept of the natural angle.
Whatever the natural angle might be, it has existed for billions of years, but it has come to light only in recent times with invention of the calculus.
In mathematics, the arctangent series, traditionally called Gregory's series, is the Taylor series expansion at the origin of the arctangent function:
The following python code calculates using Gregory's series:
# python code
r3 = 3 ** .5
x = r3/3
arctan_x = (
x - x**3/3 + x**5/5 - x**7/7 + x**9/9 - x**11/11 + x**13/13 - x**15/15 + x**17/17 - x**19/19
+ x**21/21 - x**23/23 + x**25/25 - x**27/27 + x**29/29 - x**31/31 + x**33/33 - x**35/35 + x**37/37 - x**39/39
+ x**41/41 - x**43/43 + x**45/45 - x**47/47 + x**49/49 - x**51/51 + x**53/53 - x**55/55 + x**57/57 - x**59/59
+ x**61/61 - x**63/63 + x**65/65 - x**67/67 + x**69/69
sx = 'arctan_x' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
arctan_x = 0.5235987755982988
Our assessment of the natural angle as the angle in an equilateral triangle was a very reasonable guess.
However, the natural angle is the radian, the angle subtended at center of circle by an arc on the circumference equal to the radius.
Six times arctan_x or the number of radians in a semi-circle:
# python code
sx = 'arctan_x * 6' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
sx = '180/(arctan_x * 6)' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
arctan_x * 6 = 3.141592653589793
180/(arctan_x * 6) = 57.29577951308232
number of radians in semi-circle.
One radian slightly less than
Because the value is fairly large, calculation of arctan_x
above required 34 operations
to produce result accurate to 16 places of decimals. The calculation did not converge quickly.
Python code below uses much smaller values of , and calculation of arctan_x
for precision of 1001 is quite fast.
In diagram: Point has coordinates Point has coordinates Mid point of has coordinates
This section calculates five values of using the following known values of
Values of in table below are derived from the above values by using identity :
# python code
desired_precision = 1001
number_of_leading_zeroes = 10 # See below.
import decimal
dD = decimal.Decimal # Decimal object is like float with (almost) infinite precision.
dgt = decimal.getcontext()
Precision = dgt.prec = desired_precision + 3 # Adjust as necessary.
Tolerance = dD("1e-" + str(Precision-2)) # Adjust as necessary.
adjustment_to_precision = number_of_leading_zeroes * 2 + 3
def tan_halfA(tan_A) :
dgt.prec += adjustment_to_precision
top = -1 + (1+tan_A**2).sqrt()
dgt.prec -= adjustment_to_precision
tan_A_2 = top/tan_A
return tan_A_2
def tan_2A (tanA) :
2 * tanA
tan(2A) = -----------
1 - tanA**2
if tanA in (1,-1) : return '1/0'
dgt.prec += adjustment_to_precision
bottom = (1 - tanA**2)
output = 2*tanA/bottom
dgt.prec -= adjustment_to_precision
return output+0
def θ_tanθ_from_A_tanA (angleA, tanA) :
if input == 45,1
output is:
"dD(45) / (2 ** (33))", "0.00000_00000_91432_37995_....._63759_3912"
number_of_leading_zeroes refers to these zeroes.
θ,tanθ = θ_tanθ_from_A_tanA (angleA, tanA)
θ, tanθ = angleA, tanA
for p in range (1,100) :
θ /= 2
tanθ = tan_halfA(tanθ)
if tanθ >= dD('1e-' + str(number_of_leading_zeroes)) : continue
str1 = str(tanθ)
# str1 = "n.nnnnnnnnnnnnn ..... nnnnnnnnnnnnE-11"
str1a = str1[0] + str1[2:-4]
list1 = [ str1a[q:q+5] for q in range (0, len(str1a), 5) ]
str2 = '0.00000_00000_' + ('_'.join(list1))
dD2 = dD(str2)
(dD2 == tanθ) or ({}[2])
((θ * (2**p)) == angleA ) or ({}[3])
str3 = 'dD({}) / (2 ** ({}))'.format(angleA,p)
(θ == eval(str3)) or ({}[4])
return str3, str2
r3 = dD(3).sqrt()
r5 = dD(5).sqrt()
tan36 = (5 - 2*r5).sqrt()
tan45 = dD(1)
tan30 = r3/3
v1 = 3*r5+7
v2 = (5 - 2*r5).sqrt()
v3 = (r5+3)*r3
tan24 = ( v1*v2 - v3 )/2
v1 = r5 - 3 ; v2 = (10 - 2*r5).sqrt()
tan27 = ( 11 - 4*r5 + v1*v2 ).sqrt()
values_of_A_tanA = (
(dD(45), tan45),
(dD(36), tan36),
(dD(30), tan30),
(dD(27), tan27),
(dD(24), tan24),
values_of_θ_tanθ = []
for (A, tanA) in values_of_A_tanA :
θ, tanθ = θ_tanθ_from_A_tanA (A, tanA)
sx = 'θ' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
# sx = 'tanθ' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
print ('tanθ =', '{}.....{}'.format(tanθ[:30], tanθ[-20:]))
values_of_θ_tanθ += [ (θ, tanθ) ]
# Check
for (v1,v2),(v3,v4) in zip (values_of_A_tanA, values_of_θ_tanθ) :
A, tanA = v1,v2
θ = eval(v3)
tanθ = dD(v4)
status = 0
for p in range (1,100) :
θ *= 2
tanθ = tan_2A (tanθ)
if θ == A :
dgt.prec = desired_precision
(+tanθ == +tanA) or ({}[10])
dgt.prec = Precision
status = 1
status or ({}[11])
θ = dD(45) / (2 ** (33))
tanθ = 0.00000_00000_91432_37995_4197.....089_03901_63759_3912
θ = dD(36) / (2 ** (33))
tanθ = 0.00000_00000_73145_90396_3357.....211_97500_56173_0713
θ = dD(30) / (2 ** (33))
tanθ = 0.00000_00000_60954_91996_9464.....024_32806_94580_0689
θ = dD(27) / (2 ** (33))
tanθ = 0.00000_00000_54859_42797_2518.....791_30634_03540_9738
θ = dD(24) / (2 ** (32))
tanθ = 0.00000_00000_97527_87195_1143.....736_60376_04724_6778 # python code
def calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ) :
angleθ may be: "dD(27) / (2 ** (33))"
tanθ may be: "0.00000_00000_54859_42797_ ..... _03540_9738"
π = calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ)
thisName = 'calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ) :'
if isinstance(angleθ, dD) : pass
elif isinstance(angleθ, str) : angleθ = eval(angleθ)
else : ({}[21])
if isinstance(tanθ, dD) : pass
elif isinstance(tanθ, str) : tanθ = dD(tanθ)
else : ({}[22])
x = tanθ ; multiplier = -1 ; sum = x ; count = 0; status = 0
# x**3 x**5 x**7 x**9
# y = x - ---- + ---- - ---- + ---- - ......
# 3 5 7 9
# Each term in the sequence is roughly the previous term multiplied by x**2.
# Each value of x contains 10 leading zeroes after decimal point.
# Therefore, each term in the sequence is roughly the previous term with 20 more leading zeroes.
# Each pass through main loop adds about 20 digits to current value of sum
# and θ is calculated to precision of 1004 digits with about 50 passes through main loop.
for p in range (3,200,2) :
# This is main loop.
count += 1
addendum = (multiplier * (x**p)) / p
sum += addendum
if abs(addendum) < Tolerance :
status = 1; break
multiplier = -multiplier
status or ({}[23])
print(thisName, 'count =',count)
π = sum * 180 / angleθ
dgt.prec = desired_precision
π += 0 # This forces π to adopt precision of desired_precision.
dgt.prec = Precision
return π
# Calculate five values of π:
values_of_π = []
for θ,tanθ in values_of_θ_tanθ :
π = calculate_π (θ,tanθ)
values_of_π += [ π ]
Each calculation of π required about 50 passes through main loop: calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ) : count = 50
calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ) : count = 49
calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ) : count = 49
calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ) : count = 49
calculate_π (angleθ, tanθ) : count = 50 Check that all 5 values of π are equal: # python code
set1 = set(values_of_π)
sx = 'len(values_of_π)' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
sx = 'len(set1)' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
sx = 'set1' ; print (sx, '=', eval(sx))
π, = set1 # Note the syntax. If length of set1 is not 1, this statement fails.
len(values_of_π) = 5
len(set1) = 1
set1 = {Decimal('3.141592653589793238462643383279.....12268066130019278766111959092164201989')} Because all five calculated values of π are equal, there is very high probability that this value of π is accurate.
# python code
newLine = '''
def print_π (π) :
Input π is : Decimal('3.141592653589793238 ..... 66111959092164201989')
This function prints:
π = ( "3.14159_26535_89793_23846_26433_83279_50288_41971_69399_37510"
+ "58209_74944_59230_78164_06286_20899_86280_34825_34211_70679"
+ "18577_80532_17122_68066_13001_92787_66111_95909_21642_01989" )
πstr = str(π)
(len(πstr) == (desired_precision + 1)) or ({}[31])
(πstr[:2] == '3.') or ({}[32])
twenty_rows = []
for p in range (2, len(πstr), 50) :
str1a = πstr[p:p+50]
list1a = [ str1a[q:q+5] for q in range(0, len(str1a), 5) ]
str1b = '_'.join(list1a)
twenty_rows += [str1b]
twenty_rows[0] = '3.' + twenty_rows[0]
joiner = '"{} + "'.format(newLine)
str3 = '( "{}" )'.format(joiner.join(twenty_rows))
str4 = eval(str3)
(dD(str4) == π) or ({}[33])
lines = str3.split(newLine)
paragraphs = [ newLine.join(lines[p:p+4]) for p in range(0,len(lines),4) ]
str5 = (newLine*2).join(paragraphs)
str6 = eval(str5)
(dD(str6) == π) or ({}[34])
print ('π =', str5)
return str5
π1 = print_π (π)
π = ( "3.14159_26535_89793_23846_26433_83279_50288_41971_69399_37510"
+ "58209_74944_59230_78164_06286_20899_86280_34825_34211_70679"
+ "82148_08651_32823_06647_09384_46095_50582_23172_53594_08128"
+ "48111_74502_84102_70193_85211_05559_64462_29489_54930_38196"
+ "44288_10975_66593_34461_28475_64823_37867_83165_27120_19091"
+ "45648_56692_34603_48610_45432_66482_13393_60726_02491_41273"
+ "72458_70066_06315_58817_48815_20920_96282_92540_91715_36436"
+ "78925_90360_01133_05305_48820_46652_13841_46951_94151_16094"
+ "33057_27036_57595_91953_09218_61173_81932_61179_31051_18548"
+ "07446_23799_62749_56735_18857_52724_89122_79381_83011_94912"
+ "98336_73362_44065_66430_86021_39494_63952_24737_19070_21798"
+ "60943_70277_05392_17176_29317_67523_84674_81846_76694_05132"
+ "00056_81271_45263_56082_77857_71342_75778_96091_73637_17872"
+ "14684_40901_22495_34301_46549_58537_10507_92279_68925_89235"
+ "42019_95611_21290_21960_86403_44181_59813_62977_47713_09960"
+ "51870_72113_49999_99837_29780_49951_05973_17328_16096_31859"
+ "50244_59455_34690_83026_42522_30825_33446_85035_26193_11881"
+ "71010_00313_78387_52886_58753_32083_81420_61717_76691_47303"
+ "59825_34904_28755_46873_11595_62863_88235_37875_93751_95778"
+ "18577_80532_17122_68066_13001_92787_66111_95909_21642_01989" )
Discussion questions
edit- What are useful applications of pi in engineering or science?
- How is pi useful in computer science?