Physics equations/Static forces

Most applications of Newton's laws require only a few equations



Friction and the normal force

  •   is the force friction when an object is sliding on a surface, where   ("mew-sub-k") is the kinetic coefficient of friction, and N is the normal force.
  •   establishes the maximum possible friction (called static friction) that can occur before the object begins to slide. Usually  .

Also, air drag often depends on speed, an effect this model fails to capture.

These equations for static and kinetic friction almost always are valid only as approximations.
*** Problem: Generating equations from adding forces
Three forces of tension are acting on the small grey circle at the center.
Find the x and y components of the three forces on the small grey circle at the center
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*** Problem: Almost proving Netwon's third law (one dimensional)
Two carts are connected by a string; a force is applied to one. By Newton's third law, the force on 1 by 2 equals the force on 2 by t. But we do not need Newton's third law to solve this problem.
Consider two carts of mass known masses (  and  ) connected by a taught string, with one mass ( ) experiencing and external force of known magnitude. Assume that the collection of objects held together by a taught string obeys   where F is the sum of all external forces. But we do not assume that string (in the middle) exerts equal and opposite forces on the two objects. (In this way we prove Newton's third law.)
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Solution: We take the acceleration, as well as the two internal forces as unknowns (we have three unknowns because we make no assumption about the equality of the two internal forces transmitted by the string, which we assume to have negligible mass. With three unknowns, we seek three equations. Beginning with Newton's second law (ΣF=ma) applied to and M=m1+m2, we have:

  1. Fext =(m1+m2)a
  2. F21 =m1a
  3. ΣF = Fext + F12 = m2a

(They all have the same acceleration because the string is assumed taught.)

  • The student should be able to show that   and that  . And, the student should be able to show this without ever making the assumption that   .
*** Problem: A free-body diagram on a system with many parts
Power Pulley
Make free body diagrams for each component of this system. Include attachments to the ceiling.
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Power Pulley
*** Problem: Motion under the influence of kinetic friction
Let this be an object in motion, acting under friction, the normal force, and gravity.
If this object is in motion and the coefficient of kinetic friction is μ, find the acceleration.
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Solution: This problem is unsolved.


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