Physics equations/25-Geometric Optics/Q:thinLens

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An object is placed 5.8 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 4.9 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

a) 4.72 x 10-1 cm
b) 8.4 x 10-1 cm
c) 1.49 x 100 cm
d) 2.66 x 100 cm
e) 4.72 x 100 cm

{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_1-->An object is placed 8 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 4.3 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
+a) 2.8 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-b) 4.97 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 8.84 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 1.57 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 2.8 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_1-->An object is placed 6.3 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 8.9 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 1.17 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-b) 2.07 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+c) 3.69 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 6.56 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-e) 1.17 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_1-->An object is placed 7.8 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 3.6 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 7.79 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 1.39 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+c) 2.46 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 4.38 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-e) 7.79 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_1-->An object is placed 3.5 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 5.6 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 2.15 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 3.83 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 6.81 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 1.21 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+e) 2.15 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_1-->An object is placed 8.4 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 6.2 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 2.01 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+b) 3.57 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 6.34 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 1.13 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 2.01 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_1-->An object is placed 8.6 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 6.3 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 3.64 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 6.47 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 1.15 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 2.04 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+e) 3.64 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_1-->An object is placed 8.6 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 9.1 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 2.49 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+b) 4.42 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 7.86 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 1.4 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 2.49 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm



An object is placed 6.05 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 5.4 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

a) 5.03 x 101 cm
b) 8.94 x 101 cm
c) 1.59 x 102 cm
d) 2.83 x 102 cm
e) 5.03 x 102 cm

{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_2-->An object is placed 4.15 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 3.6 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 8.59 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-b) 1.53 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
+c) 2.72 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-d) 4.83 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 8.59 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_2-->An object is placed 4.85 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 4 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 4.06 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-b) 7.22 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 1.28 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
+d) 2.28 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 4.06 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_2-->An object is placed 6.55 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 5.4 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 3.08 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-b) 5.47 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 9.73 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 1.73 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
+e) 3.08 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_2-->An object is placed 4.65 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 6.2 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 1.86 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-b) 3.31 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 5.88 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 1.05 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
+e) 1.86 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_2-->An object is placed 3.15 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 6.7 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 3.34 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+b) 5.95 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 1.06 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-d) 1.88 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 3.34 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_2-->An object is placed 3.55 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 6.8 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 4.18 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+b) 7.43 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 1.32 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-d) 2.35 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 4.18 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_2-->An object is placed 4.35 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 5.7 cm.  How far is the image from the lens?}
-a) 1.03 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
+b) 1.84 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-c) 3.27 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-d) 5.81 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 1.03 x 10<sup>2</sup> cm



An object of height 0.59 cm is placed 149 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 57 cm. What is the height of the image?

a) 1.63 x 10-1 cm
b) 1.96 x 10-1 cm
c) 2.35 x 10-1 cm
d) 2.82 x 10-1 cm
e) 3.39 x 10-1 cm

{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_3-->An object of height 0.54 cm is placed 131 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 71 cm.  What is the height of the image?}
-a) 9.15 x 10<sup>-2</sup> cm
-b) 1.1 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 1.32 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 1.58 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
+e) 1.9 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_3-->An object of height 0.67 cm is placed 106 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 61 cm.  What is the height of the image?}
-a) 1.18 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 1.42 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 1.7 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 2.04 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
+e) 2.45 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_3-->An object of height 0.67 cm is placed 107 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 70 cm.  What is the height of the image?}
+a) 2.65 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 3.18 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 3.82 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 4.58 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-e) 5.49 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_3-->An object of height 0.68 cm is placed 140 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 87 cm.  What is the height of the image?}
-a) 1.26 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 1.51 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 1.81 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 2.17 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
+e) 2.61 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_3-->An object of height 0.64 cm is placed 112 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 65 cm.  What is the height of the image?}
-a) 1.36 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 1.63 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 1.96 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
+d) 2.35 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-e) 2.82 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_3-->An object of height 0.7 cm is placed 117 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 70 cm.  What is the height of the image?}
+a) 2.62 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 3.14 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 3.77 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 4.53 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-e) 5.43 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_3-->An object of height 0.75 cm is placed 147 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 86 cm.  What is the height of the image?}
+a) 2.77 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 3.32 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 3.99 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 4.78 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-e) 5.74 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm



An object is placed 12.1 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 15.4 cm. On the side, at a distance of 6.5 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm. How far is the final image from the converging lens?16.65

a) 5.72 x 100 cm
b) 1.81 x 101 cm
c) 5.72 x 101 cm
d) 1.81 x 102 cm
e) 5.72 x 102 cm

{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_4-->An object is placed 13.2 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 17.1 cm.  On the side, at a distance of 5.1 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm.  How far is the final image from the converging lens?}
-a) 1.86 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 5.87 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 1.86 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+d) 5.87 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-e) 1.86 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_4-->An object is placed 10.8 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 15.6 cm.  On the side, at a distance of 5.7 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm.  How far is the final image from the converging lens?}
-a) 5.98 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 1.89 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+c) 5.98 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 1.89 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 5.98 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_4-->An object is placed 12.1 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 16.9 cm.  On the side, at a distance of 6.7 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm.  How far is the final image from the converging lens?}
+a) 5.64 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-b) 1.78 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-c) 5.64 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-d) 1.78 x 10<sup>2</sup> cm
-e) 5.64 x 10<sup>2</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_4-->An object is placed 13.7 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 17.7 cm.  On the side, at a distance of 5.5 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm.  How far is the final image from the converging lens?}
-a) 5.73 x 10<sup>-2</sup> cm
-b) 1.81 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 5.73 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-d) 1.81 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+e) 5.73 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_4-->An object is placed 10.2 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 16.6 cm.  On the side, at a distance of 5.6 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm.  How far is the final image from the converging lens?}
-a) 6.02 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 1.9 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+c) 6.02 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-d) 1.9 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 6.02 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_4-->An object is placed 10.9 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 16.4 cm.  On the side, at a distance of 6.8 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm.  How far is the final image from the converging lens?}
-a) 1.81 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-b) 5.71 x 10<sup>-1</sup> cm
-c) 1.81 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+d) 5.71 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-e) 1.81 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
{<!--a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses_4-->An object is placed 10.9 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 16.3 cm.  On the side, at a distance of 5.7 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm.  How far is the final image from the converging lens?}
-a) 1.88 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
+b) 5.94 x 10<sup>0</sup> cm
-c) 1.88 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-d) 5.94 x 10<sup>1</sup> cm
-e) 1.88 x 10<sup>2</sup> cm