Physics equations/25-Geometric Optics/Q:image





Shown is a corrective lens by a person who needs glasses. This ray diagram illustrates

how a nearsighted person might see a distant object
how a nearsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
how a farsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
how a farsighted person might see a distant object


Shown is a corrective lens by a person who needs glasses. This ray diagram illustrates

how a nearsighted person might see a distant object
how a farsighted person might see a distant object
how a farsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
how a nearsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort

3 In optics, normal means

to the left of the optical axis
parallel to the surface
perpendicular to the surface
to the right of the optical axis

4 The law of reflection applies to

only light in a vacuum
telescopes but not microscopes
curved surfaces
both flat and curved surfaces
flat surfaces

5 When light passes from air to glass

the frequency decreases
the frequency increases
it bends away from the normal
it bends towards the normal
it does not bend

6 When light passes from glass to air

it does not bend
the frequency decreases
the frequency increases
it bends towards the normal
it bends away from the normal

7 An important principle that allows fiber optics to work is

the invariance of the speed of light
total internal reflection
total external refraction
partial internal absorption
the Doppler shift

8 The focal point is where

rays meet whenever they pass through a lens
rays meet if they were parallel to the optical axis before striking a lens
rays meet whenever they are forming an image
rays meet if they are parallel to each other
the center of the lens