Physics equations/21-Circuits, Bioelectricity, and DC Instruments/Q:RCdecay

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A 621 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 628 kΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e3? (where e =2.7...)

a) 1.17 x 105 s.
b) 3.7 x 105 s.
c) 1.17 x 106 s.
d) 3.7 x 106 s.
e) 1.17 x 107 s.

{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_1-->A 547 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 2 kΩ resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>4</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
-a) 1.38 x 10<sup>3</sup> s.
+b) 4.38 x 10<sup>3</sup> s.
-c) 1.38 x 10<sup>4</sup> s.
-d) 4.38 x 10<sup>4</sup> s.
-e) 1.38 x 10<sup>5</sup> s.
{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_1-->A 819 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 798 kΩ resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>4</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
-a) 8.27 x 10<sup>5</sup> s.
+b) 2.61 x 10<sup>6</sup> s.
-c) 8.27 x 10<sup>6</sup> s.
-d) 2.61 x 10<sup>7</sup> s.
-e) 8.27 x 10<sup>7</sup> s.



A 784 μF capacitor is connected in series to a 543 kΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e3? (where e =2.7...)

a) 4.04 x 101 s.
b) 1.28 x 102 s.
c) 4.04 x 102 s.
d) 1.28 x 103 s.
e) 4.04 x 103 s.

{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_2-->A 665 μF capacitor is connected in series to a 806 kΩ resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>2</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
-a) 3.39 x 10<sup>1</sup> s.
-b) 1.07 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.
-c) 3.39 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.
+d) 1.07 x 10<sup>3</sup> s.
-e) 3.39 x 10<sup>3</sup> s.
{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_2-->A 65 μF capacitor is connected in series to a 414 kΩ resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>4</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
-a) 1.08 x 10<sup>1</sup> s.
-b) 3.4 x 10<sup>1</sup> s.
+c) 1.08 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.
-d) 3.4 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.
-e) 1.08 x 10<sup>3</sup> s.



A 354 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 407 MΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e3? (where e =2.7...)

a) 4.32 x 107 s.
b) 1.37 x 108 s.
c) 4.32 x 108 s.
d) 1.37 x 109 s.
e) 4.32 x 109 s.

{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_3-->A 206 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 990 MΩ resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>4</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
+a) 8.16 x 10<sup>8</sup> s.
-b) 2.58 x 10<sup>9</sup> s.
-c) 8.16 x 10<sup>9</sup> s.
-d) 2.58 x 10<sup>10</sup> s.
-e) 8.16 x 10<sup>10</sup> s.
{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_3-->A 727 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 860 MΩ resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>3</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
+a) 1.88 x 10<sup>9</sup> s.
-b) 5.93 x 10<sup>9</sup> s.
-c) 1.88 x 10<sup>10</sup> s.
-d) 5.93 x 10<sup>10</sup> s.
-e) 1.88 x 10<sup>11</sup> s.



A 10 F capacitor is connected in series to a 9Ω resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e4? (where e =2.7...)

a) 3.6 x 102 s.
b) 1.14 x 103 s.
c) 3.6 x 103 s.
d) 1.14 x 104 s.
e) 3.6 x 104 s.

{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_4-->A 5 F capacitor is connected in series to a 8Ω resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>4</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
-a) 1.6 x 10<sup>1</sup> s.
-b) 5.06 x 10<sup>1</sup> s.
+c) 1.6 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.
-d) 5.06 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.
-e) 1.6 x 10<sup>3</sup> s.
{<!--a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple_4-->A 10 F capacitor is connected in series to a 10Ω resistor.  If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e<sup>4</sup>? (where e =2.7...)}
-a) 4 x 10<sup>0</sup> s.
-b) 1.26 x 10<sup>1</sup> s.
-c) 4 x 10<sup>1</sup> s.
-d) 1.26 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.
+e) 4 x 10<sup>2</sup> s.