Physics equations/07-Work and Energy/Q:cart1

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If the initial velocity after leaving the spring is 5 m/s, how high does it reach before coming to rest?

a) 5.92E-001 m
b) 7.17E-001 m
c) 8.69E-001 m
d) 1.05E+000 m
e) 1.28E+000 m


The mass of the cart is 2kg, and the spring constant is 5447N/m. If the initial compression of the spring is 0.1m, how high does it reach before coming to rest?

a) 6.45E-001 m
b) 7.81E-001 m
c) 9.47E-001 m
d) 1.15E+000 m
e) 1.39E+000 m


What is the highest point the cart reaches if the speed was 0.14m/s when the cart was situated at a height of 2.2m?

a) 1.1400E+000 m
b) 1.3438E+000 m
c) 1.5840E+000 m
d) 1.8672E+000 m
e) 2.2010E+000 m

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