Open Science literacy in EAP/In what way have you benefitted from Open Science or accessible knowledge?

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Think about the resources in your life which may qualify as "Open Science" or "accessible knowledge". This is a collaborative task, meaning that anyone can add to the table below:

Physical Digital
Course Public lectures at the University of Vienna,

public lecture at the Royal Edinburgh Society on World Refugee Day

audited courses on Coding on coursera, audited classes about Psychology on edx
Library Central University in Edinburgh
Event online conference about Ecocritism in Humanities "Humanities on the Brink"
Site "take as you wish" stands of free books in the city centre wikipedia, wikiversity, wikimedia commons, pixabay, gephi, gephi videos,
Database doaj, ERIC, zenodo, free book samples on Kindle, google books
Museum National museum of Scotland, Writer's Museum in Edinburgh
Teachers free after-school tutoring Youtube tutorials, free classes to audit on coursera/ edx



In this space, feel free to share your thoughts on Open Science in physical and/ or digital forms. You can do so anonymously or not.

  • "Open Science is combatting the commercialization of academic research" - anonymous researcher & teacher in Higher Education
  • "By sharing Open Science resources with our learners, we can help them develop a greater sense of agency and academic identity throughout and beyond their studies" - Katie Reschenhofer, EAP instructor