Open Data/Understand nutrition and food labels
This page is about a learning project to teach about nutrition, so a person can understand what to do differently if they want to go on a diet, and than teaching how to apply that knowledge to reading food labels to ensure a person can meet there nutritional goals.

The learning resource is following the Open Community Approach and therefore the learner should be able to learn with Open Source software and have access to open data.
Learning Task
edit- (Open Food Facts) Open Food Facts[1] is a food products database that is created in collaborative way by everyone and for everyone to use and cross-check the data in the database. Explain, what are the benefits and challenges of an open food fact database independent from industry. Analyze scientific results that address the ability to discriminate[2] nutritional quality with a simplified score with colored labels. Discuss challenges and benefits of an approach.
- (Human nutrition) Perform an course about Nutrition according to your own knowledge or from a national perspective to mitigate Health risks.
- (Open University) - Course about Nutrition - Basics[3]
- (National Perspective) OpenWHO - National Perspective on Global Nutrition Targets[4]
Explain how food facts can support to improve human nutrition. What are the requirements and constraints of a Digital Learning Environment for this topic?
- (Collborative Knowledge Base) Wikipedia and Wikiversity are maintained by a community and the knowledge base or learning resources are shared with community. What are the similarities and differences between Open Food Facts, Wikiversity, Wikipedia and how do they relate to Open Course for Capacity Building?
- (Food Facts in Learning Resources) Health related topics must be handled with great care and responsibility. What are key elements that should be learned about food nutrition facts and the diet the learner wants to select?
- (Health and Food Production) Identify grand challenges that are related to food, agriculture and climate change in different regions of the world. How can local food production be organized, so that people can survive economically with agricultural activity and the local food production can cover all required nutrition facts for a healthy diet? How can food facts include also regional and local food production? What are the main challenges for integration of nutrition facts for local and regional food production that are dependent on the geographical location of the customer who wants to be informed about the food facts?
- (Barcode) For industrial food the barcode is a unique identifier (Database - primary key) for product. Explain how a unique identifier helps to link products with nutrition facts. What is the benefit of a barcode or QR code, to find nutrition facts?
- (Footprint of Food Production) Identify food facts beyond nutrition fact, e.g. fresh water consumption and the carbon footprint to produce specific food.
See also
edit- ↑ Open Food Fact (2019) Open Food and Product Database - URL: - (accessed 2019/12/26)
- ↑ Szabo de Edelenyi, F., Egnell, M., Galan, P., Druesne-Pecollo, N., Hercberg, S., & Julia, C. (2019). Ability of the Nutri-Score front-of-pack nutrition label to discriminate the nutritional quality of foods in the German food market and consistency with nutritional recommendations. Archives of public health, 77(1), 1-9.
- ↑ Open University (2018) The science of nutrition and healthy eating URL: - Accessed 2024/10/25
- ↑ Open WHO (2012) nutrition targets endorsed by the World Health Assembly - Global Nutrition Targets Tracking Tool - URL: