
Field Trip: Scavenger Hunt


This was a good and fun activity that I think learners would really enjoy. Teachers should really think of incorporating this into teaching and learning. These activities teach valuable Collaboration skills and we had a lot of fun.


The scavenger hunt was a good way to get some exercise for the day. It is a good way to encourage pupils to work together. We laughed a lot and made funny memories. This is a good idea to help the learners in your classroom to work together in a fun and exciting way. One of the Qr-Codes said: "Scavenger hunts makes learning fun - As it is a game, it provides good opportunities to incorporate learning in a new and exciting way"


This pictures shows an example of how you can estimate the Area of a geometric shape.
The Lion group Scavenger Hunt Presentation.

Scavenger Hunt winners!!



Both teams were great and exceeded well. Unfortunately not all players won a medal. Well done to those who did!  

How the scavenger hunt support the 21st century four C skills:

  • Communication: The members of the group had to discuss how they would portray certain things and where the best picture would be taken. With this the members communicate with one another over what their ideas are and what picture would be best.
  • Critical thinking: This scavenger hunt encouraged critical thinking by presenting a problem where the members should think about it and form their own judgement. We were given instruction of what we should take pictures on pollution issues around us and we had to evaluate the situation and form our own opinion over these issues. We also had a chance to discuss our opinions.
  • Collaboration: All the members had to work together. This encourages students to collaborate with one another and work together as a team.
  • Creativity: This scavenger hunt required creativity. When the groups were instructed to take certain pictures we had to be creative in the ways we take the pictures. Creative with the place, the members involved and how the picture should be taken.