Occupational Epidemiology/Research tools/Theoretical Program - open here/Electronic Research tools 1/Search scientific literature

The central theme of research is the research question and to do the literature search related to this question. As written in Google, we build on what others have done "Standing on the shoulders of Giants". Therefore, every time we start a new project or look for references to solve a specific clinical question, we look in the global scientific health literature. The basic fun search event is defining our search words, those that are most relevant to our questions. By searching and getting some items, we can refine our search words after that. The strategy for search litterature described in an abundance of webpages, You-tubes and articles. One of them in the following:

Search pages


The most used search pages are PubMed, Google Scholar, Google Academico and Scielo (See below) When we use Google Chrome or Firefox as a search engine we can immediately download the results in the reference program, Zotero. The basic fun search event is defining our search words, those that are most relevant to our questions. By searching and getting some items, we can refine our search words after that. It is also important to write in the protocol and later in the article how we have done it. For scientific use, we seek only original articles published in scientific journals, while websites are rarely used. Reading or orienting yourself in scientific articles is necessary to learn how to do this correctly.


When we conduct our searches, for example, on health and safety awareness among fishermen, we search for international knowledge among fishermen around the world. Now there are no studies on the health and safety of the fishermen of Panama directly and if so, they would also be included in our service when we do not limit our searches to Panama

Find and store items

  1. Open Zotero/ Mendeley /EndNote and create a file with the name of the project.
  2. Keep Zotero/ Mendeley open as you search and select interesting articles.
  3. Click add to store the items in Zotero/ Mendeley
  4. Moving the file references found in Zotero only works with the "Chrome" and "Firefox" browsers
  5. Abstracts are always free, but only articles published in Open Access are free. Often summaries are sufficient to obtain relevant information: