Obstetrics and Gynecology/Case 1

Case 1

  • Presentation

25 years old, 38 weeks gestation, in her 2nd pregnancy, presented in spontaneous labour, cephalic, the cervix was 5 cm dilated, CTG was normal, molding grad "2" patient was severely distressed and unable to coop with pain>*What is the most likely diagnosis? malposition "OP" .... Malpreserntation ... CPD and obstructed labour

  • What further evaluation and management are appropriate?

reevaluation and assessment of maternal conditions reassessment of the presentation, fetal attitude, fetal size, pelvic configuration use of partogram senior obstetrician to be informed analgesia .... epidural!! continuous fetal monitoring be ready to do cesarean section ... necessary investigation CBC, X match... anti acid... inform the anesthesia, pediatrician, operation theater staff to be ready any time moral support

Normal Labor

  • Discussion
    • Phases
      • Latent Phase
      • Active Phase
      • Descent
      • Expulsion
    • Methods of Pain management
    • Questions
    • Answers