Northern Arizona University/Environmental Ethics/Journals/Bianca B's Journal

Journal Entry #1 Just clarifying some things… “The extension of ethics, so far only studied by philosophers is actually a process in ecological evolution” (238). In this statement is Leopold trying to imply that “the land ethic” should be studied and furthered by the scientific community? If so, his argument must be and is in fact based on the idea of “social evolution” the idea that ethical obligations must-according to evolution (tendency to diversify and cooperate) extend to the land which we live; in order to completely embrace and promote diversity through preserving a healthy land. Leopold scientifically endorses the “land ethic” by describing a comprehensive land pyramid for people to attach and relate to. It would make sense that Leopold would use a land pyramid as an aid to describe the importance of relationships because in the quote mentioned above, he uses the word “ecological” which until about two seconds ago I did not know was based on this definition: 1. A branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environment 2. The totality or pattern of relations between organisms and their environment. The land pyramid is simply a pictorial representation of the concept of ecology. It helps people to realize the central concept that Leopold talks about: humans are not apart from the biotic community-not conquerors of it, but active members and effective participants- very important ones, since our scope of influence upon the entire community is so great.

  • The land must have a right to continued existence

Leopold proclaims in the land ethic that “the most serious obstacle impeding the evolution of a land ethic is the fact that and educational and economic system is headed away from, rather than toward and intense consciousness of the land”. Thus, these are the things which must be changed. He surmises a conclusion for fixing this which depends largely on the sciences (as far as education goes) both physical and socail- geography, botany, agronomy, history, or economy…all utilized to teach ecology. Is this interdependency a direct correlation to the interdependency of the biotic/ ecologic community overall?

Journal Entry #2 In January, Leopold accentuated how the land pyramid relates to different animals and what the phases (seasons) of the Earth mean to animals such as the “sober citizen mouse” and the “rough leg hawk”. He personifies the mouse and hawk in such a way that represents the core concerns of every living beingself interest for survival. This is exemplified when Leopold talks about what growing grass and snow means to the mouse-food and shelter and to the hawk-no opinion of grass and thaw of snow means food. This passage helps the reader to understand the differences between biotic levels and their relationships. However, I also feel that Leopold implies that since as humans, we can understand the connection between grass, snow, mouse, and hawk that we have a responsibility to recognize it’s importance and maintain its survival. I drew a picture however; I do not have a scanner so I shall attach another.