North Carolina Psychological Association (NCPA)/24th Psychology Undergraduate Conference (Fall 2017)/Neuropsychology

Leader: Sarah Cook from Duke University

  • Day to day
    • She works at Duke at an outpatient clinic
    • 3 patients/day 3 days/week
    • Supervises training: has practicum students, postdoc program
    • Talking with families and individuals about diagnosis, prognosis, and setting a plan going forward
  • Difference between cognitive psychology and neuropsychology
    • Cognitive psych is more experimental rather than clinical/applied
      • Conducts research on things like language, speech, decision making, learning, memory
      • No patients seen
    • Neuropsychology focuses on assessment and diagnostics
      • Referrals come from neurology dept.
      • However they also do research
      • Can balance research and clinical experience depending on the job they are in
    • Becoming a neuropsychology technicians
      • Also referred to as "psychometrists"
      • Do nothing but standard administration
      • Have positions at Duke
      • Excellent use of time between undergraduate and graduate school
      • Most hospitals and private practices use technicians (more than 2/3 of neuropsychologists use them)
      • Programs will provide all of the training, so you don't need experience beforehand
      • Generally very good to take a year off (or more) between your undergraduate experience and going to graduate school.
        • Will help your maturity and general experience, also getting into better schools that appeal to you, finding out your interests and exploring them
  • Depends on setting with how much money you will make
    • In university setting with research starting is 60,000
    • In clinical setting, the starting salary is about 80,000-90,000
    • You typically incur more student loans if you take the PsyD. route as opposed to the Ph.D route
  • For the most part, the path to neuropsychology is a Ph.D in clinical psychology with a specialization in neuropsychology
    • After acquiring your Ph.D, you spend a year doing an internship and then another two years for post-doc
  • Most master's programs will not allow you to have a job during education
  • Most neuropsychologists do not do therapy, but some do
    • Refer to other people that do that kind of work
  • Neuropsychologists work in industry, like pharmaceuticals
    • Other ways to make money: forensic work, consultation
    • Consultation with AI?
  • Lots of research continuing with substance abuse