Nonlinear finite elements/Updated Lagrangian approach

Updated Lagrangian Approach


For the total Lagrangian approach, the discrete equations are formulated with respect to the reference configuration. For the updated Lagrangian approach, the discrete equations are formulated in the current configuration, which is assumed to be the new reference configuration.

The independent variables in the total Lagrangian approach are   and  . In the updated Lagrangian they are   and   which are with respect to the new reference configuration.

The dependent variable in the total Lagrangian approach is the displacement  . In the updated Lagrangian approach, the dependent variables are the Cauchy stress   and the velocity  .

Updated Lagrangian Stress and Strain Measures


The stress measure is the Cauchy stress:


The strain measure is the rate of deformation (also called velocity strain):


Note that the derivative is a spatial derivative. It can be shown that


where   is the deformation gradient. So the integral of the rate of deformation in 1-D is similar to the logarithmic strain (also called natural strain).

Governing Equations in Updated Lagrangian Form


The Updated Lagrangian governing equations are:

Conservation of Mass


For the rod,


These are the same as those for the total Lagrangian approach.

Conservation of Momentum


In this case   may not be constant at along the length and further simplification cannot be done. In short form,


Conservation of Energy


If we ignore heat flux and heat sources


If we include heat flux and heat sources


In short form:


Constitutive Equations

Total Form

For a linear elastic material:


The superscript   refers to the fact that this function relates   and  .

For small strains:

Rate Form

For a linear elastic material:


Initial and Boundary Conditions for Updated Lagrangian


For the updated Lagrangian approach, initial conditions are needed for the stress and the velocity. The initial displacement is assumed to be zero.

The initial conditions are:


The essential boundary conditions are


The traction boundary conditions are


The unit normal to the boundary in the current configuration is  . The tractions in the current configuration are related to those in the reference configuration by


The interior continuity or jump condition is


Weak Form for Updated Lagrangian


The momentum equation is


To get the weak form over an element, we multiply the equation by a weighting function and integrate over the current length of the element (from   to  ).


Integrate the first term by parts to get


Plug the above into the weak form and rearrange to get


If we think of the weighting function   as a variation of   that satisfies the kinematic admissibility conditions, we get the principle of virtual power:


Recall that






Hence we can alternatively write the weak form as


Comparing with the energy equation, we see that the first term above is the internal virtual power. Using the substitutions   and  , we can also write the weak form as


The weak form may also be written in terms of the virtual powers as




Finite Element Discretization for Updated Lagrangian


The trial velocity field is


In matrix form,


The resulting acceleration field is the material time derivative of the velocity




Note that the shape functions are functions of   and not of  . We could transform them into function of   using the inverse mapping


However, in that case the shape functions become functions of time and the procedure becomes more complicated.

The test (weighting) function is


The derivatives of the test functions with respect to   are


It is convenient to use the isoparametric concept to compute the spatial derivatives. Let us reexamine what this approach involves.

Figure 1 shows a two-noded 1-D element in the reference and current configurations along with the parent element.

Figure 1. Reference and Current Configurations of a 1-D element.

The map between the Eulerian coordinates and the parent coordinates is


At  ,


Therefore the displacement in the parent coordinates is


Similarly, the velocity and its variation in the parent coordinates are given by


The acceleration in the parent coordinates is given by


The rate of deformation is given by


We can evaluate the derivative with respect to   by simply using the map to the parent coordinate instead of mapping back to the reference coordinates. Using the chain rule (for the two noded element)


In matrix form,


The rate of deformation in parent coordinates is then given by


To derive the finite element system of equations, we follow the usual approach of substituting the trial and test functions into the approximate weak form


Let us proceed term by term.

First LHS Term


The first term represents the virtual internal power


Plugging in the derivative of the test function, we get


The matrix form of the expression for virtual internal work is


The internal force is


Note that the above simplification only occurs in 1-D. In matrix form,



Note that we can write


If we use the above relation, we get


Using the relation


we get


The above is the same as the expression we had for the internal force in the total Lagrangian formulation.

Second LHS Term


The second term represents the virtual kinetic power


Plugging in the test function, we get


The inertial (kinetic) force is


Now, plugging in the trial function into the expression for the inertial force, we get






In matrix form,


The consistent mass matrix in matrix notation is


Plugging the expression for the inertial force into the expression for virtual kinetic power, we get


In matrix form,



Note that since the integration domain is a function of time, the mass matrix for the updated Lagrangian formulation is also a function of time. However, from the conservation of mass, we have


Therefore, we can write the mass matrix as


Hence the mass matrices are the same for both formulations.

RHS Terms


The right hand side terms represent the virtual external power


Plugging in the test function into the above expression gives


In matrix notation,


The external force is given by


In matrix notation,



Using the conservation of mass


and the relations between the traction sin the reference and the current configurations


we can transform the integral in the expression for the external force to one over the reference coordinates as follows:


The above is the same as the expression we had for the external force in the total Lagrangian formulation.

Discrete Equations for Updated Lagrangian


The finite element equations in updated Lagrangian form are: