Nonlinear finite elements/Homework 6/Solutions/Problem 1/Part 15

Problem 1: Part 15


Express the stress rate and the modified rate of deformation in the global coordinate system.

The modified laminar rate of deformation is


Alternatively, we can write


The modified laminar stress rate is


Alternatively, we can write


To get the global stress rate and rate of deformation, we have to rotate the components to the global basis using


Computing these quantities gives us




The Maple code for the above computations is given below.

> #
> # Apply plane stress condition
> #
> Dxx := DLamVoigt[1,1];
> Dyy := -C13*Dxx/C11;
> #
> # Updated laminar rate of deformation
> #
> DLamVoigtUpd := linalg[matrix](3,1,[Dlam[1,1], Dyy, Dlam[1,2]]);
> #
> # Updated laminar stress
> #
> DDtSigLamVoigtUpd := evalm(CLamVoigt&*DLamVoigtUpd);
> #
> # Rotate back to global basis
> #
> PlaneStressSig := array(1..2,1..2,symmetric):
> PlaneStressSig[1,1] := DDtSigLamVoigtUpd[1,1]:
> PlaneStressSig[2,2] := DDtSigLamVoigtUpd[2,1]:
> PlaneStressSig[1,2] := DDtSigLamVoigtUpd[3,1]:
> evalm(PlaneStressSig);
> GlobalPlaneStressSig := evalm(Rlam&*PlaneStressSig&*RlamT);
> PlaneStressDlam := array(1..2,1..2,symmetric):
> PlaneStressDlam[1,1] := DLamVoigtUpd[1,1]:
> PlaneStressDlam[2,2] := DLamVoigtUpd[2,1]:
> PlaneStressDlam[1,2] := DLamVoigtUpd[3,1]:
> evalm(PlaneStressDlam);
> GlobalPlaneStressDlam := evalm(Rlam&*PlaneStressDlam&*RlamT);