Nonlinear finite elements/Homework 6/Solutions/Problem 1/Part 10

Problem 1: Part 10


Assume that the velocities at nodes 5 and 6 are   and  , respectively. Compute the velocity gradient at the blue point.

To compute the velocity gradient, we have to find the velocities at the slave nodes using the relation


For node 1 of the element (global node 5), the   matrix is


Therefore, the velocities of the slave nodes are


For node 2 of the element (global node 6), the   matrix is


Therefore, the velocities of the slave nodes are


The interpolated velocity within the element is given by


Plugging in the values of the nodal velocities and the shape functions, we get


The velocity gradient is given by


The velocities are given in terms of the parent element coordinates ( ). We have to convert them to the ( ) system in order to compute the velocity gradient. To do that we recall that


In matrix form






The isoparametric map is


The derivatives with respect to   and   are




Since we are only interested in the point ( ) = (0,0), we can compute   at this point


The inverse is


The derivatives of   with respect to   and   are


At ( ) = (0,0), we get




Therefore, the velocity gradient at the blue point is


The Maple code for doing the above calculations is shown below.

> #
> # Compute velocity gradient
> #
> # Map from master to slave nodes
> #
> T1 := linalg[matrix](4,3,[1,0,y1-y1m,
> 0,1,x1m-x1,
> 1,0,y1-y1p,
> 0,1,x1p-x1]);
> T2 := linalg[matrix](4,3,[1,0,y2-y2m,
> 0,1,x2m-x2,
> 1,0,y2-y2p,
> 0,1,x2p-x2]);
> v1slave := evalm(T1&*v1master);
> v2slave := evalm(T2&*v2master);
> #
> # Velocity interpolation within element
> #
> vx := v1slave[1,1]*N[1,1] + v2slave[1,1]*N[1,2] +
> v1slave[3,1]*N[1,3] + v2slave[3,1]*N[1,4];
> vy := v1slave[2,1]*N[1,1] + v2slave[2,1]*N[1,2] +
> v1slave[4,1]*N[1,3] + v2slave[4,1]*N[1,4];
> #
> # Derivatives of velocity within element (at the blue point)
> #
> dvx_dxi := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(vx, xi));
> dvy_dxi := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(vy, xi));
> dvx_deta := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(vx, eta));
> dvy_deta := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(vy, eta));
> #
> # Jacobian of the isoparametric map and its inverse
> # (at the blue point)
> #
> dx_dxi := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(x, xi));
> dy_dxi := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(y, xi));
> dx_deta := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(x, eta));
> dy_deta := subs(xi=0,eta=0,diff(y, eta));
> J := linalg[matrix](2,2,[dx_dxi,dy_dxi,dx_deta,dy_deta]);
> Jinv := inverse(J);
> #
> # Compute velocity gradient (at the blue point)
> #
> dVx_dxi := linalg[matrix](2,1,[dvx_dxi,dvx_deta]);
> dVy_dxi := linalg[matrix](2,1,[dvy_dxi,dvy_deta]);
> dVxdx := evalm(Jinv&*dVx_dxi);
> dVydx := evalm(Jinv&*dVy_dxi);
> GradV := linalg[matrix](2,2,[dVxdx[1,1],dVxdx[2,1],