New Zealand Law/Criminal/Sentencing

Statutory Provisions




Aggravating Factor: one which would justify a greater penalty if the court accepts it as a factor.
Mitigating Factor: one which would justify a lesser penalty if the court accepts it as a factor.

Supervision sentence: 6 mths to 1 year.
Community work: 40 to 400 hrs.



R v Taueki

  • Facts
Charged with myriad of assaults. Plead guilty. Appealed sentence.
  • Held
Aggravating factors:
- extreme violence
- premeditation
- serious injury
- weapons
- attacking head
- facilitation of crime
- perverting the course of justice
- multiple attackers
- vulnerability of the victim
- home invasion
- gang warfare
- victim is public official
- vigilante action
- hate crime
Mitigating factors
- provocation
- excessive self-defence
Factors that should not be seen as reducing seriousness of conduct:
- domestic situation
- victim’s plea (for light sentence)
- intoxication.