Music performances

Welcome to the Music performances audio project! This is the place where you can collaborate by performing free musical pieces, like those of Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, etc. It will be an easy task; we need musicians. It will be done in steps.

  1. Get your royalty free score at, for instance, Moonlight sonata score. You can find them in other websites too, as long as the license is appropriate for Wikiversity and Wiki Campus Radio.
  2. Play the song on your favorite instrument, including voice.
  3. Upload your file and request it for WCR.


  • David: I will perform classical music, specially Beethoven and Chopin sonatas and valses. See my performance of the Moonlight sonata at youtube
  • Gaidheal1 17:07, 2 March 2010 (UTC) I would love to contribute some recordings. I am currently without a computer, but expect this to be rectified shortly.
  • Add yourself

Requests (for recording/performance)

  • Skye Boat Song (Ideally on Pipes)
  • Amazing Grace (Ideally on Pipes)
  • Beethoven 3rd Symphony
  • Tchaikovsky 1st Piano Concerto

Requests (for playlist)
