Multicultural Perspectives on Health and Wellbeing/Project proposal/template

This is a template for the Multicultural Perspectives on Health and Wellbeing Project Brief assignment

Tips and suggestions:

  • Your project brief does not have to be in text form.
  • Be creative in how you conceive and present your brief.
  • Use a medium which is familiar to your target group.

Note: The project brief should be a coherent comprehensive work with a logical flow.

Project title


A short 3-5 word title that captures the crux of the project in simple everyday language. Think of it as a news headline.

Project rationale


Explain why the project is needed. Present evidence (e.g. references to literature) on the links

between educational outcomes and health and wellbeing.

Project description


Describe the small project that you design to assist in creating a safe and supportive environment

for a specific group of people (could be the same group from your group presentation or a different

group) wanting to progress through formal tertiary education.


  • An explanation of why the project is targeted at the group you have selected, and taking into consideration factors such as ethnicity, class and gender.
  • Reasons which contribute towards your target group possibly feeling unwelcome, unsafe and unsupported in a tertiary education setting.

Frameworks to be used


Identify guidelines or frameworks (e.g. look at university policies) that support the promotion of cultural sensitivity in the proposed intervention.



Highlight the main aspects of the project.