Mr. Danoff's FWE 8A Lesson 7

Mr. Danoff's Lesson Plan Data (Dates relate to when lesson was administered)
Date: Length (Min): Location: Textbook: Chapter #: Lesson #: Topic: # of Students: Document Version:
c. Mid-Oct 2009 45 English Salon FWE 8A 6 7 Heroes 25+ 0.43

Before Class



  • Listening Set Skill = “E“ Listen for detail and specific information in presentations, narratives and conversations
  • Listening Curriculum Statement = “6“ Listen for detail
  • Speaking Set Skill = “A“ Awareness of Context
  • Speaking Curriculum Statement = “1“ Context & Register


  • The context of a conversation.


  • Because if you know the context, you can understand a conversation even if you do not know all the words.
    • e.g. If you know people are talking about food, you can understand phrases like “eggplant is delicious”, even if you do not know what eggplant is.


  • Context: Two people are talking about food. B: do you like anchovies? A “I think anchovies are delicious and you?” B “I hate anchovies.”
  • What are anchovies?

Lesson Question

  • What is the context?

Words of the Day

  • Head, Fall off

Contact Information


To be written on the board.

  • QQ ID 867996874
  • QQ Name Danoff
  • e-mail

Teaching Materials

  • FUN WITH ENGLISH 8A Textbook
  • Mr. Brown & Mr. Danoff soccer dialogue cards





0 Before class

  • Make sure chairs are set up correctly,and lesson topic, why, Topic Example, lesson question, joke, my contact info and plan are written on the board. Ask if everyone has their textbooks and pens. If they don't tell them to go get them, maybe have them write their names in my notebook under “Class __ Grade ___ I forgot my textbook.” If not done already, have them rip the answers out of their textbooks.

1 Coversation


4 Minutes

  1. Are you tired?
  2. Are you hungry?
  3. Topics: Halloween & the Honmei Opera
  4. What did you do at last year's halloween party?
  5. What do you usually do on Friday nights?
  6. Ask if it's anyone's birthday in class?

2 Introduce the Lesson


7 Minutes

  1. Ask if they remember what we did last week? Mention we will be focusing on the same idea once again.
  2. Have the class read the Lesson Goal, Why, Topic Example, Words of the Day, & Today's Question
  3. Have the class read the Lesson Plan
  4. Tell them my contact info, and say if I don't respond on QQ, I apologize, sometimes I am busy.

3 Joke


3 Minutes

4 Page 22 Let's get ready A


4 Minutes

  1. Ask students why they chose various traits.

5 Page 25 Let's listen 3 A & B - Tapescript Page 83


12 Minutes

  1. Teacher reads. Students do both at the same time.
  2. What is Karen listening to?
  3. What is the man talking about? What is the context?

6 Soccer Dialogue Illustrating Argument vs. Conversation


6 Minutes

  1. Select one student, give them the lines and have them be “Mr. Brown.”
  2. Depending on how it goes, have 2 students come up and do both parts.
    • Mr. Brown - I think david Beckham is too old.
    • Mr. Danoff - Really? How old is he?
    • Mr. Brown - He's 34.
    • Mr. Danoff - 34! 34 is not old.
    • Mr. Brown - He's old for a football player.
    • Mr. Danoff - Don't you mean soccer player?
    • Mr. Brown - No I don't. I mean football player?
    • Mr. Danoff - No. You mean SOCCER!
    • Mr. Brown - NO! I mean football!
    • Mr. Danoff - SOCCER!
    • Mr. Brown - FOOTBALL!
  3. What is the context of their conversation?
  4. Are Mr. Brown & Mr. Danoff having an argument or a chat?

7 Scary Story - The Woman with the Red Scarf


9 Minutes

Extra Time

  • Rows & Columns
  • 20 Questions
  • Ball Self-Introduction Game
  • British vs. American English Word Game - Review Chapter 5
  • Competitive Hangman
  • “How high can you clap?“ Game
  • Simon Says
  • Telephone

After Class


Lesson Review Notes


Learning Outcome Achieved?


What I did well


What I could improve upon


Next Week





  1. Focuses come from the curriculum section of the 2009/2010 East Meets West China Information Booklet.


  • 0.1 7 Oct 2009
    • Created in a meeting with Mr. Brown.
  • 0.2 October 20, 2009 9:46 AM
    • Modified instructions for 1 & 2. Added 3 “Heroes Discussion“. Took out “Page 23 Let's listen 1 A“. Took out “Page 23 Let's listen 1 B“. Took out “Teachers Talk About 3 of Their Heroes“ and incorporated it into the Heroes Discussion. Added “Self-Introduction Ball game“ in as the game for part 9.
  • 0.3
    • fied before class preparation.
    • Added “Lesson Goal“ & “Why?“
    • Added British vs. Am English warmup game.
    • Moved around the order of the lesson.
    • Added “20 Questions“.
  • 0.301
    • Changed the introduction, so that the whole class is reading, as opposed to just one of the students.
  • 0.302 28 Oct 2009
    • Added formatting and pre-lesson notes from 8A Lesson 8 Chapters 7&8 v0.2 Grade 8 Class 3
    • Changed joke to a halloween one.
    • Moved the word game to extra time in favor of a scary story.
    • Added “words of the day“.
    • Took out page 24 A & the Heroes discussion in favor of the scary story.
  • 0.4 October 29, 2009 6:22 PM
    • Changed lesson topic to just lesson & topic example to just example.
    • re-worded the “Why“ took out the reference to the exam
    • removed Page 23 Let's listen 1 A - Tapescript Page 82
    • added Soccer Dialogue Illustrating Argument vs. Conversation with more questions
    • removed Rows & Columns because the Scary Story takes long enough.
  • 0.41 24 August 2010
    • Edited it to make it appropriate for publication on a wiki.
  • 0.42 24 1 January 2011
  • 0.43 17 February 2011
    • Wikignomed for publication, incl. adding lesson detail box.

Additional Questions & Instructions for This Lesson


Page 23 Let's listen 1 A - Tapescript Page 82

  1. I will be Karen, students are Tim, John, Lisa & David. Read one time.
  2. What is the context of the conversation? Is she arguing? Is she giving directions? Is she asking questions?

Page 22 Let's get ready B


Page 24 Let's listen 1 A

  1. Divide class in half to read. Students read once, I read the second time, as they do the answers.

Heroes Discussion

  1. What does hero mean?
  2. Who are heroes?
  3. Who are your heroes? Why?
  4. Are heroes important? Why?
  5. Are heroes different for boys and girls?
    1. Be careful with the “why?” questions, as they might turn kids off.
    2. Write the answers on the board and see where the discussion goes.
    3. See how it goes, perhaps chime in with my thoughts on heroes.
  6. At the end, ask “Whay have we been talking about?”

Page 23 Let's listen 1 B

  1. Kids read from a slide, answer questions and speak the speech together.

Teachers Talk About 3 of Their Heroes


Contact Information


I am actively seeking feedback on how to improve this lesson, please edit it and/or email me at,