Mr. Danoff's FWE 8A Lesson 5

Mr. Danoff's Lesson Plan Data (Dates relate to when lesson was administered)
Date: Length (Min): Location: Textbook: Chapter #: Lesson #: Topic: # of Students: Document Version:
45 English Salon FWE 8A 4 5 My school 25+

Before Class



  • Listening Set Skill = "D" Listen for gist
  • Listening Curriculum Statement = "6" Listen for gist
  • Listening Specific Skill = "b" Recognize varying purposes of discussion.
  • Speaking Set Skill = "A" Awareness of Context
  • Speaking Curriculum Statement = "1" Context & Register
  • Speaking Specific Skill = Be aware of the difference between formal and informal conversation.

Learning Outcome

  • Students will be aware of the purpose of a discussion and the difference between formal and informal conversation.



1 Greeting

  • Me "Hi"
  • Me "What did you do last night?"
  • Me "How was the sports festival?"
  • Me "Can you tell me about the sports festival?"
  • Me "Do you have any questions for me?
  • What did you do with your days off?
  • What was the best food you ate while you were on vacation?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

2 Page 14 Let's Get Ready B

  • Ask the students to read the instructions on their own, and answer the questions. Walk around the room to check on them and help anyone having trouble.
  • Then ask students to share what they picked and why.

3 Page 15 Let's Listen 1A

  • Ask for volunteers to read Beth and Lisa's parts, if there are no volunteers, pick the students.
  • Have the students fill in the answers, perhaps read again.
  • Ask, "Why are Beth & Lisa talking?" i.e. "What is the purpose of their discussion?"

4 Page 15 Let's Listen 1B

  • Do not ask for volunteers, read it myself, using a very casual, conversational tone.

5 Page 16 Let's Listen 2A

  • Do not ask for volunteers, read it myself, using a more serious tone.
  • Questions
    • Why are Lisa and the reporter talking? i.e. What is the purpose of their discussion?
    • What is different about the conversation between Beth and Lisa and Lisa and the reporter?

6 Page 16 Let's Listen 2B

  • Do not ask for volunteers, read it myself, using a more serious tone.
  • Questions
    • Why are the reporter and the editor talking? i.e. What is the purpose of their discussion?

Depending on time, do page 17, I think a game is more important, though.

7 "How high can you clap?" Game


8 Telephone


Extra Time

  • Hangman
  • Simon Says

After Class


Lesson Review Notes

  • Opening conversation did not get any student volunteers.
  • Almost all the kids did a good job of finding their seats immediately, though.
  • Some of the boys who forget their textbooks just led to them being utterly uninterested throughout the lesson. Or it made it that much easier to screw around and harder to focus.
  • Only did 14B, 15A, 16B and 17 from the lesson.
  • Chose not to ask most of the questions corresponding to the set skills, because I wanted to have a light, quick lesson with them having tests this afternoon. One girl was able to answer the one question I did ask later on, but still I think part of it might be being more honest about what kind of questions can actually work from those on the set skills.
  • Team hangman was an amazing good idea.
  • Didn't remember to take pictures of the kids sitting in their rows, unfortunately.

What I did well

  • Was enthusiastic and energetic right from the start.

What I could improve upon

  • When a kid threw a textbook in the air immediately after i'd told another student not to do so, I verbally expressed my anger quietly to myself. Not acceptable.

Next Week

  • Have certain students change seats.
  • Make sure all students have their textbooks.
  • Have better questions promoting the set skills.




  1. 2009/2010 East Meets West China Information Booklet. Beijing: East Meets West China. 2009. 

Extra Questions for Page 15 Let's Listen 1A

  • How is Beth's new school different? or Why is Beth's new school different?
  • How many students are in Beth's classes?




  • 26 Sep 2009 - Created in the afternoon, edited in the evening.
  • 27 Sep 2009 - Added after class portion after class.
  • 8 Oct 2009 - Updated for the second day with this lesson. Dropped the formal/informal direct questions.
  • 9 Oct 2009 - Minor punctuation edits, dropped the focus on “formal v informal” language, because it's too hard.
  • 29 Sep 2010 – Edited the formatting of the document to make it Mediawiki friendly and deleted certain student's names.
  • 17 Feb 2011 - Added table to the top and made a few other formatting adjustments. Removed copyright & contact info sections below.