Mr. Danoff's FWE 8A Lesson 4

Mr. Danoff's Lesson Plan Data (Dates relate to when lesson was administered)
Date: Length (Min): Location: Textbook: Chapter #: Lesson #: Topic: # of Students: Document Version:
45 English Salon FWE 8A 3 4 The Sports Club 25+

Before Class



  • Set Skill = "B" Text orientation and identifying context
  • Curriculum Statement = "4" Orientation to text
  • Specific Skill = "a" Familiarise students wit various exercises/evaluations.

Learning Outcome

  • Students will be able to complete the written exercises by listening for the answers.



0 Write the seating chart on the board.


1 Greeting

  • Me "Hello"
  • "How are you?" to select students who usually aren't talkative
  • Me "What are you going to do for the national holiday?"
  • Me "What are you going to do for the mid-autumn festival?
  • Me "Do you have any questions for me?"

2 Page 10 Exercise A

  • Walk around the room, make sure everyone is working.
  • Go over the answers.
    • For part A
      • "What letter is number __?"
      • "What sport is number __?"
      • "[sport name] is what number?"

3 P 10 E B

  • Call on students and ask them why they make their selections.

4 P 11 E A

  • Get volunteers, have the reporter run around the room asking questions.
  • Ask questions like "which is blank for helen?"

6 P 12 E A & B

  • Boys, girls split then switch.

8 P 13 E A

  • I will be reporter.
  • Boys, girls split then switch.

9 P 13 EB

  • I read only one time.

10 Journal Assignment


[depending on time and energy]

  • I think English is important to study, because ...
  • I don't think English is important to study, because ...

11 Telephone

  • Introduce the race element. Tell them there will be two kinds of winners - race and accuracy.
  • Tell the kids they only have 10 seconds to explain to the next person in line.
  • Use diagram on the board to explain the game.
  • They can only tell the next person at the front of the room.
  • Only two teams, have students who are done leave the room.
  • Secret messages
    • Spicy sausages are most delicious on Saturdays.
    • Mr. Orange ordered two omelets for dinner.

Extra Time

  • Hangman
  • Simon Says

After Class


Lesson Review Notes

  • If I'm gonna do the seating chart, I need to remember faces with names, I cannot expect them to be honest with me.
  • Doing the seating chart to start class wasted a lot of time.
  • I chose to raise my voice and be a little combative with the kids. With this sort of class where almost everyone is pushing that's sorta necessary.
  • These two young ladie would be too of my best students, but slowing down the pace has caused them not to be interested, and speak to eachother.

What I did well

  • Keeping the class moving.

What I could improve upon

  • Not being properly prepared with a seating chart before class began.

Next Week

  • Before class starts, ask the kids if they have their pens?
  • Before class, have a better idea of seating charts and things, so I don't waste time.
  • Make sure to play a game.


  1. 2009/2010 East Meets West China Information Booklet. Beijing: East Meets West China. 2009.