Teaching EFL Listening via FUN WITH ENGLISH Books/7A/The Seasons

Lesson Plan Data (Dates relate to when lesson was administered)
Date: Length (Min): Location: Textbook: Chapter #: Lesson #: Topic: # of Students: Document Version:
English Salon FWE 7A 8 & 9 8 25+ 0.13

Before Class



  • identify: opinion / fact and argument / conversation
  • Briefly review context.


  • Opinion = What a person thinks.
  • Fact = What a person knows.
  • Context = What a person or people is/are talking about.


  • Because knowing the difference between fact and opinion is important for making decisions.


  • Draw two stick figures on the board. Explain that the two of them are having a conversation. These are not questions for the students.
  • A: "Winter is cold. Do you like it?." B: "Yes! It's great!"


    • What is fact?
    • What is opinion?
    • What is the context?

Lesson Question

  • Is this fact or opinion?

Word(s] of the Day

  • extinct
    • Animals that are all dead.
  • endangered
    • Animals that are few in number and may all die, soon.

Question of the Day

  • What season do you like?

Contact Information


QQ ID 867996874
QQ Name Danoff
e-mail danoff.charles@gmail.com

Teaching Materials

  • FUN WITH ENGLISH 7A Textbook
  • Lessons Notebook
  • Stopwatch





0 Before Class

  • In classroom at least 30 minutes before my first class of the day.
  • Before class, make sure chairs are set up correctly
  • Write Lesson plan, Lesson, Definitions, Example, my contact info, words of the day and that it's OK to say "I don't know" or "No reason" on the board.
  • Ask if everyone has their textbooks and pens. If they don't tell them to go get them.
  • Have the students write down where they sit on my seating chart.
    • Depending on who is in the class, hand around my notebook and have them write down their names. Do not announce it, just give it to one student.
  • Stopwatch ready to go before class.

1 Coversation


6 Minutes

    • If the kids don't respond, ask them the questions directly.
  • Are you tired?
  • Are you hungry?
  • Is it anyone's birthday today in class?
  • What are you going to do this weekend?
  • Any questions for me? Add that the longer we talk here, the less time we have to spend on the textbook.

2 Minutes

  • Red Sea joke[1].

3 Introduction


4 Minutes

  • Make sure they understand the word "introduction."
  • Point out the Lesson Plan, mention if we move fast, we can get to the game quicker.
  • Tell them my contact info, and say that "I am busy. I want to talk to you, but if I can't it is not because I don't like them, it is because I am busy. I like all of you. Please say hello again or e-mail me. E-mail is much better."
  • Mention that if ask a question and they don't know the answer, it's fine to say "I don't know". Write "No why" and "No reason" ask which is correct if I ask "Why?" cross out "No reason" explain that it is Chinese, not English.
  • Words of the Day
  • Lesson - Ask if they remember what we did last week? Mention we will be talking a little about the same idea again.
  • Definitions
  • Example
  • What season do you like? ... "OK, well what do you do during the winter?"
    • Ask directly to 1 to 3 students?
  • Ask for any questions.

4 Page 30 Let's get ready A & B


7 Min

  • Walk around the class, help the students who are struggling.
  • Ask the students if the statements are facts or opinions.

5 Page page 31 Let's listen 1 A


2 Min

  • I read it through. Stop at the end of each section and ask the students the answers.
  • Ask the students if the statements are facts or opinions.

6 Page 34 Let's get ready A & B


6 Min

  • I read it through.
  • Ask the students if the statements are facts or opinions.

7 Page 35 Let's listen 1A


6 Min

  • I read it through.
  • Ask the students if the statements are facts or opinions.

8 Page 36 Let's listen 2A


6 Min

  • I read it through.
  • Ask the students if the statements are facts or opinions.

9 Page 37 Let's listen 3A


6 Min

  • I read it through.
  • Ask the students if the statements are facts or opinions.

10 Competitive Hangman


8 Min

  • Divide the class in half.
  • Draw two hang man diagrams.
  • Explain the two halves will be playing against one another with the goal of finishing Hangman first.
  • Give each team one word with the same number of letters and a similar level of difficulty.
  • Start with one side, then alternate back and forth with the questions.
  • First team to finish or the last team to be hung wins.

Extra Time

  • Rows & Columns
  • 20 Questions
  • Soccer Dialogue Illustrating Argument vs. Conversation
  • Ball Self-Introduction Game
  • "How high can you clap?" Game
  • Simon Says
  • Telephone

After Class


Lesson Review Notes


What I did well


What I could improve upon

g8c4 AFLS TJ3 Page 35
  • Getting more kids involved with the conversation.

Next Week

  • identify: argument / conversation
  • Review:
    • identify: opinion / fact
    • Context
    • formal v. informal discussion


  • with these types of classes I really think it might be better to do some sort of activity that gets everybody talking




  1. "Jokes in English for the ESL/EFL Classroom A Project of The Internet TESL Journal". Retrieved 2011-02-15.


  • Two Grade 8 students at Anqing Foreign Language School who gave me the idea to play competitive hangman.
  • The comics I used in class were from the Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune, kindly sent to China by my father.
  • 20 Questions from the ITESLJ



0.1 11 Nov 2009

  • Chose the textbook questions to use in a meeting with Mr. Brown.

0.11 17 Nov 2009

  • Crafted the lesson plan around the questions.
  • Changed the question of the day to reflect the lesson

0.12 20 Oct 2010

  • Adjusted the formatting to make it Mediawiki friendly.
  • Removed some copyright material.

=0.13 17 Feb 2011

  • Added lesson detail box, removed some blank material and did some wikignoming for publication.

Additional Questions & Instructions for This Lesson


Page 38 Let's get ready B


4 Min

  • Walk around the class, help the students who are struggling.
  • Select two or three students to talk about what they selected, and ask some follow up questions.

Contact Information


I am actively seeking feedback on how to improve this lesson, please email me at, danoff.charles@gmail.com