Teaching EFL Listening via FUN WITH ENGLISH Books/7A/Preparing to Travel

Lesson Plan Data (Dates relate to when lesson was administered)
Date: Length (Min): Location: Textbook: Chapter #: Lesson #: Topic: # of Students: Document Version:
45 English Salon FWE 7A 4 5 Preparing to Travel 25+ 0.42


  • Listening Set Skill: Listen for gist
  • Listening Specific Skill: Recognize varying purposes of discussion.
  • Speaking Set Skill: Awareness of Context


  • The context of a conversation.


  • Because if you know the context, you can understand a conversation even if you do not know all the words.
    • e.g. If you know people are talking about food, you can understand phrases like “eggplant is delicious”, even if you do not know what eggplant is.


  • Context = What people are talking about in a conversation.

Example Context: Two people are talking about food. B: do you like anchovies? A “I think anchovies are delicious and you?” B “I hate anchovies.”

Lesson Question

  • What is the context?

Contact Information

  • QQ ID 867996874
  • QQ Name Danoff

e-mail danoff.charles@gmail.com

Teaching Materials

  • FUN WITH ENGLISH 7A Textbook
  • Mr. Brown & Mr. Danoff soccer dialogue cards



0 Before class


Arrive at least 20 minutes before it begins, then make sure chairs are set up correctly,and lesson topic, definition, why, Examples, lesson question, my contact info and plan are written on the board. Ask if everyone has their textbooks and pens. If they don't tell them to go get them, maybe have them write their names in my notebook under “Class __ Grade ___ I forgot my textbook.” If not done already, have them rip the answers out of their textbooks.

1 Conversation


After they answer, continue with follow up questions, e.g., Why?, When?, Where?, How?

  • The weather
  • The seasons
  • What do you like more hot or cold weather?

2 Introduce the Lesson


7 Minutes

  • Go over the words: plan, introduction and lesson.
  • Have the class read the Lesson Plan
  • Explain that saying “i don't know” and “no reason” is perfectly fine
  • Explain explain “i know, I know” and “no why” are not English
  • Have the class read the Lesson, Definition, Why, Examples, Words of the Day, & Today's Question
  • Tell them my contact info, and say if I don't respond on QQ, I apologize, sometimes I am busy.

3 Joke

  • Pig joke from The Internet TESL Journal.[1]

4 Page 14 Let's get ready A & B

  • Students read instructions and complete on their own. Teacher walk around, check to see everyone is working. Take the opportunity to give individual attention to the less able students.
  • Go over rugby at the end of B.
    • 2 teams where you can pass the ball sideways or backwards. try to get a “try” 4/5 or a “kick” 1.

5 Page 15 Let's Listen 1 A - Tapescript Page 78

  • Divide class in half to read the two parts.
  • At the end, ask if John and his mother are chatting or arguing?
  • Lesson ?
    • Explain argument as two people yelling at each other and chat as two people talking about the weather.

6 Review “What time is it?“

  • Ask the current time.
  • Next, ask the students what time “will it be in 10 minutes?” “was it 10 minutes ago?”
    • If they can't answer those questions, draw a clock on the board.
  • Call on different students, as you draw the hands in different spots.

7 Page 16 Let's Listen 2 A - Tapescript Page 79

  • Ask for student volunteers to read.
  • When they finish, ask if the class wants them to read again? If they do, have them do it.
  • If not, ask the questions.
  • Lesson ?

8 Page 16 Let's Listen 2 B - Tapescript Page 79

  • Ask for student volunteers to read.
  • When they finish, ask if the class wants them to read again? If they do, have them do it.
  • If not, ask the questions.
  • Lesson ?
  • Ask, “Why is Helen's father talking to her uncle?”

9 Soccer Dialogue Illustrating Argument vs. Conversation


6 Minutes

  • Select one student, give them the lines and have them be “Mr. Brown.”
  • Depending on how it goes, have 2 students come up and do both parts.
  • Mr. Brown - I think david Beckham is too old.
  • Mr. Danoff - Really? How old is he?
  • Mr. Brown - He's 34.
  • Mr. Danoff - 34! 34 is not old.
  • Mr. Brown - He's old for a football player.
  • Mr. Danoff - Don't you mean soccer player?
  • Mr. Brown - No I don't. I mean football player?
  • Mr. Danoff - No. You mean SOCCER!
  • Mr. Brown - NO! I mean football!
  • Mr. Danoff - SOCCER!
  • Mr. Brown - FOOTBALL!
  • What is the context of their conversation?
  • Are Mr. Brown & Mr. Danoff having an argument or a chat?

Extra Time

  • Rows & Crosses Game
  • Competitive Hangman
  • “How high can you clap?“ Game
  • Simon Says
  • Telephone

Lesson Review Notes


g7 c3

  • 43 seconds delay b/c of kids arriving late
  1. 8:06
  2. 10 min
  3. joke 2 min 16 secs
  4. Page 15 A 3 min 12 sec
  5. page 15a 11 min 18 sec
  6. what time 3 min 18 sec
  7. page 16a 7 min 55 sec
  • times aren't entirely accurate
  • clearly the intro is taking too long
    • doesn't help that i'm then not making sure to ask follow up questions
  • perhaps break the 2 examples into 2 weeks
  • class was responsive, quiet and engaged this week
  • having the stick figures to illustrate the conversation as opposed to A & B was better
  • too much gunk on the board
  • having “i don't know” & “no reason” there was good
  • introduction took too long

g7 c8

  • they laughed a lot at the context bit about cf, but I had trouble getting a lot of volunteers
  • they seem like a class that might be trouble in certain settings, but right now is not
  • high level of engagement
  • would calling role every day to start class be helpful?
  • how am I going to connect consistently with these classes that are always changing on me?
    • am I hoping for too much?

Learning Outcome Achieved?

  • Maybe. A lot of the kids, answered the questions. far more than usual.

What I did well

  • energy, patience, working with that one young man 1 on 1, asking a lot of kids questions

What I could improve upon

  • my pace. it was not good.

Next Week

  • put help for speaking up on the board
  • don't clutter the board so much


  • do I really need an extended explanation of context?




  1. "Jokes in English for the ESL/EFL Classroom A Project of The Internet TESL Journal". Retrieved 2011-02-15.


  • Soccer dialogue was written by Mr. Brown and myself.


Version: Date & Time: Published @: Document Type: License: Details:
0.41 15 February 2011 16:40h. USA CT Wikiversity Mediawiki CCASA * Wikignomed the lesson plan to prepare for publication.
0.41 10 September 2010 Wikiversity Mediawiki CCASA * Made the formatting Mediawiki friendly.
  • Removed a student's name.
0.4 November 2, 2009 4:27 PM Unpublished * Added a context example
  • Added the context definition.
  • Changed the teacher questions to better current life
  • re-worded the introduction.
  • took out “What do you do in the evening?“ because i didn't have time for it, and i think the kids are better served with the mr. brown & mr. danoff dialogue
  • added “* Next, ask the students what time “will it be in 10 minutes?” “was it 10 minutes ago?” to the “What time?“ instructions.
  • added “* Go over the words: plan, introduction and lesson. * Have the class read the Lesson Plan * Explain that saying “i don't know” and “no reason” is perfectly fine * Explain explain “i know, I know” and “no why” are not English“ to the introduction.
  • changed the reading instructions on page 16 to “* Ask for student volunteers to read. * When they finish, ask if the class wants them to read again? If they do, have them do it. * If not, ask the questions.“
  • took out the rows & crosses game, because we never got to it today. if we end up having extra time we can play, if not, that's OK.
0.3 October 31, 2009 10:03 PM Unpublished * Changed conversation questions to be more topical.
  • Replaced Competitive Hangman with Rows & Columns
  • Added the Mr. Brown & Mr. Danoff dialogue.
  • Added the material to put on the board before class & a joke.
  • Dropped Page 17 Let's Listen 3.
0.21 October 15, 2009 9:08 PM Unpublished Added questions to the opening conversation & changed the name from “conversation” to “Teacher Questions - After they answer, continue with follow up questions, e.g., Why?, When?, Where?, How?” Took out “Speaking Specific Skill = Be aware of the difference between formal and informal conversation.” because I do not know how to explain it. Added “** Explain argument as two people yelling at eachother and chat as two people talking about the weather.” to 4 Page 15 Let's Listen 1 A - Tapescript Page 78. Added Set Skills related questions throughout.
0.2 October 13, 2009 8:58 PM Unpublished Added before + after class sections, added extra time, changed the game to competitive hangman. Added 0, changed the conversation questions.
0.1 6 Oct 2009 Unpublished Created in a meeting with Mr. Brown.

Unused Instructions


Page 17 Let's Listen 3 - Tapescript Page 79

  • Teacher reads once, or twice if necessary.
  • Lesson ?
  • Ask, “What is the mother doing?”

5 What do you do in the evening?

  • Write that question on the board, then jot down individual student's answers.

Contact Information


I am actively seeking feedback on how to improve this lesson, please email me at, danoff.charles@gmail.com