Motivation and emotion/About/Schedule/2009

Lectures & Tutorials

Week Lecture Reading Tutorial
1 Introduction to Motivation & Emotion. LD Chapter 1. -
2 The Brain and Addictive Behaviours. LD Chapter 4. Negative and Positive Addiction; Assignment Discussion.
3 Homeostasis: Temperature, Thirst, Hunger, and Eating. LD Chapter 5. -
4 Arousal, Behaviour, and Affective Tone. LD Chapter 6. Measuring Arousal and Optimal Arousal Levels:
5 Stress, Coping and Health. LD Chapter 7. -
6 Personality and Self in Motivation. LD Chapter 9. Measuring your Personality on "The Big 5".
7 No lecture -
8 Mid-semester Break
9 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation L & D Chapter 10. Measuring Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation
10 Drives, Needs and Awareness. LD Chapter 8.
11 Goal motivation, LD Chapter 11. Goal Setting Exercises
12 Least Effort and Economics of Motivation LD Chapter 12. -
13 The Subjective and Physiological Nature of Emotions LD Chapter 13. Measuring Your Emotions
14 The Unfolding and Function of Emotions, LD Chapter 14 -