The index is the central page for your MOOC's structure and additional information for each item the MOOC consists of.

It uses the wikitext syntax to have a nicely rendered index page.

Location edit

The MOOC index page is expected to be at "/MoocIndex" relative to your root page. If your page is

for example the index would be expected at

but you can change this behaviour if you create a customized MOOC.

Item edit

Each item has a name and a type. In addition to that you can pass additional information using parameters. The type determines which parameters have to be set.

Consider an item called "Testy" having the type "lesson" the index entry would look like


This item is a root item, because it at level 1 which shows the single "=" the line starts and ends with. If you increase the number you increase the level and can create a child item:

==learningUnit|My Unit==

"My Unit" is a child of "Testy" here.

Parameters edit

Each item need to have learning goals. Looking just at "Testy" we would add them as follows:

#not so unbelievable far, far away
#indeed in future

You can see that parameters start with "*" followed by the parameter name and a "=" separating the name from the value.

A parameter value can be splitted across multiple lines.
These lines must not start with "=" since this would start a new item.
These lines must not start with "*" since this would start a new parameter. This is why "#" is used for learning goals.

Since the type determines which parameters have to be set there may be more you have to provide.

TODO add list of item types