
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:LoadProject/doc

local p = {}

local function standardicon(modulename)
	-- Take modulename as input, returns corresponding icon filename
	-- Returns default icon if no icon is defined
	-- Grow the library! Add default icons as needed by adding this line below:
	-- ['MODULENAME'] = 'FILE NAME.ext',
	local index = {
		['default'] = 'Beta icon.svg', -- default if nothing matches
		['About'] = 'Information Noun 176431.svg',
		['About us'] = 'Information Noun 176431.svg',
		['Alerts'] = 'Bell icon.svg',
		['Article alerts'] = 'Bell icon.svg',
		['Article Alerts'] = 'Bell icon.svg',
		['Partners'] = 'Handshake noun.svg',
		['Partnerships'] = 'Handshake noun.svg',
		['Discussions'] = 'Speechbubbles icon.svg',
		['Events'] = 'Simpleicons Business calendar-with-a-clock-time-tools.svg', -- Is this PD-shapes?
		['External Links'] = 'Link icon.svg',
		['External links'] = 'Link icon.svg',
		['Links'] = 'Link icon.svg',
		['Maps'] = 'MapPin.svg',
		['Metrics'] = 'ArticleCheck.svg',
		['News'] = 'Calendar icon 2.svg',
		['Offline App'] = 'Offline logo.svg',
		['Press'] = 'Cite newspaper.svg',
		['Recent changes'] = 'Clock icon.svg',
		['Recent Changes'] = 'Clock icon.svg',
		['Recognized content'] = 'RibbonPrize.svg',
		['Recognized Content'] = 'RibbonPrize.svg',
		['Related Projects'] = 'Contributions icon.svg', -- Not for use for the update bot, special use case, that expands the page	
		['Related WikiProjects'] = 'Contributions icon.svg',
		['Requests'] = 'Quotes icon.svg',
		['Research'] = 'Microscope icon (black OCL).svg',
		['Resources'] = 'Cite book.svg',
		['Showcase'] = 'RibbonPrize.svg',
		['Tasks'] = 'ListBullet.svg',
		['Tools'] = 'Octicons-tools-minor.svg',
		['Translations'] = 'Translation icon.svg',
		['Watchlist'] = 'OpenEye icon.svg',
		['Worklists'] = 'ListBullet.svg',
	for t, fn in pairs(index) do
		if t == modulename then
			return fn
	return index['default']