Functions are not "local", so other modules can require this module and call them directly. We return an object with 3 small stub functions to call the real ones so that the functions can be called from templates also.

Only dotted decimal notation for IPv4 supported. Does not support dotted hexadecimal, dotted octal, or single-number formats (see address representations).

Unit tests at Module:IPAddress/testcases

local p = {}

function p._isIpV6(s)
	local dcolon, groups
	if type(s) ~= "string"
		or s:len() == 0
		or s:find("[^:%x]") -- only colon and hex digits are legal chars
		or s:find("^:[^:]") -- can begin or end with :: but not with single :
		or s:find("[^:]:$")
		or s:find(":::")
		return false
	s, dcolon = s:gsub("::", ":")
	if dcolon > 1 then return false end -- at most one ::
	s = s:gsub("^:?", ":") -- prepend : if needed, upper
	s, groups = s:gsub(":%x%x?%x?%x?", "") -- remove valid groups, and count them
	return ( (dcolon == 1 and groups < 8) or (dcolon == 0 and groups == 8) )
		and ( s:len() == 0 or (dcolon == 1 and s == ":") ) -- might be one dangling : if original ended with ::

function p._isIpV4(s)
	local function legal(n) return (tonumber(n) or 256) < 256  and not n:match("^0%d") end
	if type(s) ~= "string" then return false end
	local p1, p2, p3, p4 = s:match("^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)$")
	return legal(p1) and legal(p2) and legal(p3) and legal(p4)

function p._isIp(s)
	return p._isIpV4(s) and "4" or p._isIpV6(s) and "6"

function p._isIpV4Range(s)
	return p._isIpV4(s:gsub("/%d+$", "")) and (p._isIpOrRange(s) == 'range')

function p._isIpV6Range(s)
	return p._isIpV6(s:gsub("/%d+$", "")) and (p._isIpOrRange(s) == 'range')

function p._isIpOrRange(s)
	local modip = require('Module:IP')
	local success, ip = pcall(, s)
	if success then
		return 'ip'
	success, ip = pcall(, s)
	if success then
		return 'range'
	return ''

local function input(frame)
	-- Return input parameter after replacing any of following directional markers.
	-- LRM : LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK (U+200E)         : hex e2 80 8e = 226 128 142
	-- LRE : LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING (U+202A)    : hex e2 80 aa = 226 128 170
	-- PDF : POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING (U+202C) : hex e2 80 ac = 226 128 172
	-- This is required for MediaWiki:Blockedtext message.
	return (frame.args[1] or ''):gsub('\226\128[\142\170\172]', ' ')  -- replace LRM, LRE, PDF with space delimiter

function p.isIpV6(frame) return p._isIpV6(input(frame)) and "1" or "0" end
function p.isIpV4(frame) return p._isIpV4(input(frame)) and "1" or "0" end
function p.isIpV6Range(frame) return p._isIpV6Range(input(frame)) and "1" or "0" end 
function p.isIpV4Range(frame) return p._isIpV4Range(input(frame)) and "1" or "0" end 
function p.isIp(frame) return p._isIp(input(frame)) or "" end

function p.isIpOrRange(frame)
	-- {{#invoke:IPAddress|isIpOrRange|x}} → 'ip' (IPv4/IPv6) or 'range' (CIDR IPv4/IPv6) or '' (invalid)
	return p._isIpOrRange(input(frame))

return p