Mitigating Techniques for Commercial Risk/Activities

Unit 3.5-Mitigating Techniques for Commercial Risk 

Introduction | Commercial Banks | Loans | Letter of Credit | Draft Collection | Accounts Receivable | Governments | Factoring | Forfaiting | Banker's Acceptances | Credit Insurance | Summary | Resources | Activities | Assessment



Task 1
Visit the Ex-Im Bank and SBA website. Evaluate the current mitigating techniques available to US exporters. Discuss the options and determine the best option for each of the following circumstances:

1. You are a small US company that assembles products made from imported materials.
2. You are a large US company that has been involved in the export market for 15 years. You have just received a US$30 million order from new customer in Singapore. The order needs to ship in nine months.
3. You are a medium-sized foreign company with offices located in the US. You have just received an order for your US products from your long-time customer in Germany. You require working capital to produce the products

Task 2
Visit the website and

1. check the country limitation schedule.
2. download an application form for the appropriate export credit insurance cover.