Microsoft Office/Word/Headers

Upon creating the first numbered page in a header, scroll down to the second (2nd) page and use Microsoft word 2007 Alt+Shift+P and watch your page transform to the APA format. If the Running Head copies the same and you don't want the same Phrase on all pages. Go back to the first page, insert a numbered-page first. Position the page number to your desire, again scroll down to page 2. and insert the header; be sure the first page is checked (every page except the first) the program should direct you to type in the text you wish to use, type in the new text that you want to appear on every page thereafter. Tab over to the far right margin and press the following sequence: Alt+Shift+P. You can be creative, but the command will still be the same.

                       R I Y L 
                       Everett, Ashford Student (Respond If You Like)