Micromechanics of composites/Average strain in a RVE

Average Strain in a RVE


The average strain tensor is defined as


where the average displacement gradient is


We would like to find the relation between the average strain in a RVE and the applied displacements at the boundary of the RVE. To do that, recall the relation (see Appendix)


where   is a vector field on   and   is the normal to  . Using this relation, we get




Plugging these into the definition of average strain, we get


This implies that the average strain is completely defined in terms of the applied displacements at the boundary! Also, the average strain tensor is symmetric by virtue of its definition.

We can define the average rotation tensor (which represents an infinitesimal rotation) in an analogous manner. The rotation tensor is given by


Therefore, the average rotation can be defined as


In terms of the applied boundary displacements,


The effect of rigid body motions on the average strain


Let us consider a rigid body displacement given by (see Appendix)


where   is a constant translation and   is a second-order skew symmetric tensor representing an infinitesimal rotation. Then,


Recall that


where   is a second-order tensor and   and   are vectors. Therefore,


From the divergence theorem,


where   is a second-order tensor field and   is the unit outward normal vector to  . Hence,


We also have (see appendix),


where   is a vector and   is the unit outward normal to  . Therefore,


We then have


Since   is a skew-symmetric second-order tensor we have




Hence, the average strain is not affected by rigid body motions. However, for simplicity, we assume that the displacement field in a RVE does not contain any rigid body motions.