S. Datta, "Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems", Cambridge Univ. Press 1995. - very didactic, covering the more elementary topics (but nothing on shot noise, quantum dots etc.)
Y. Imry, "Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics", Oxford Univ. Press 1997 (2nd ed: 2002). - quite advanced, from one of the founding fathers of the field (maybe a little too sophisticated for a first course)
Dittrich et al., "Quantum transport and dissipation", Wiley-VCH 1998. - contains selection of modern topics, written by respective experts
F. Haake, "Quantum Signatures of Chaos", Springer 2006 (2nd edition) - a wealth of material on wave chaos, random matrix theory, and semiclassics; very readable
K. Efetov, "Supersymmetry in Disorder and Chaos", Cambridge Univ. Press 1996 - monograph on the technique of supersymmetry that is used to discuss disordered and chaotic systems, from its inventor in this context
A. Altland and B. Simons, "Condensed Matter Field Theory", Cambridge Univ. Press 2006 - techniques for treating many interacting particles etc.; well liked by students
Beenakker and van Houten: "Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures", Solid State Physics 44, 1 (1991) - download from cond-mat/0412664 - old, but very pedagogical, and a lot on scattering theory, disordered systems and Quantum Hall Effect