Mere Christianity (CBL)/Week 1/Essay

The final for this course is a Literary Response Essay of between three to five pages. You will select a theme from one of the four books of Mere Christianity and write a well developed composition analyzing that theme. There is no specific mandated formatting style, but formatting should be consistent throughout your essay and it must be typed in a legible font.

You do not need to bring in outside sources, but if you should decide to do so, you must cite the sources and add a properly formatted references/works cited/bibliography page to the end of your essay. For quotes from the book, the page number in parentheses is an acceptable form of citation.

Use the first several weeks to come up with a solid theme, then start writing your paper. Your classmates and instructor are resources when seeking assistance, and there are also links to writing guides on the main course page. Submissions will be accepted starting in Week 7 and continuing through the last day of Week 10. No paper will be accepted for credit before or after this time frame. Papers submitted during Week 7 and 8 will be returned with feedback during Week 9. Students will then be able to

On Moodle, an assignment for this paper will open in Week 7, and you will then be able to upload your essay. Once it is uploaded in a .doc, .rtf, or .odt format; it is considered submitted.

This assignment is worth one third of the grade in this class. No credit can be given for essays turned in after the last day of class, making it imperative that the assignment be turned in prior to that cutoff. If Moodle is not working, email the essay as an attachment to the instructor prior to the cutoff.