A. I have numbness in my arm due to a herniated disc. Are there exercises that would help me?
B. My hands become really cold. I don't think this is normal- what could it be?
This describes an abnormal bodily state and asks for advice.
The person asking the question has described an aspect of their body's function and is concerned about the health implications of what they perceive to be an abnormal condition.
Wikiversity is not a place to seek health-related medical advice, even if the matter seems trivial.
Do not invite formation of a doctor-patient relationship.
Do not encourage people to describe their health.
C. I am a highly confused person. Please tell me how to stabilize myself.
Thought processes are physiological brain processes.
Do not encourage Wikiversity participants to describe their abnormal physiological processes.
Abnormal thought processes can be due to disease.
Wikiversity is not the place to describe you abnormal mental processes or ask for advice about what to do as part of an attempt to improve your mental functions. There are doctors who specialize in treating mental health problems.
D. What are health risks for someone who sits in front of a computer for 6 hours or more?
The question is not framed as a personal question.
Wikiversity welcomes general information questions.
Do not respond to any question with medical advice.
Respond by citing reliable sources that will help answer the question.
Do not respond by describing your own related health problems or treatment experiences.